As soon as he hung up the phone from Ye Zhengjun, Lu Jiang received a call from Jiang Yun.

It also told him that Zhao Dapao could return to his hometown to recuperate. The Lu and Jiang families were in-laws. Of course Jiang Yun knew the relationship between Lu Jiang and Zhao Anbang, and knew that Xibao was Zhao Anbang's godson.

A phone call is often faster than a message.

For senior cadres in the capital, news is naturally faster than telegrams.

Ye Zhengjun has many connections, so he received the news in advance, because Zhao Anbang used to be his subordinate, and Lu Jiang's current connections are not bad. Although most people don't know about his relationship with Zhao Anbang, it is enough for one person to know, not to mention the documents It has been issued, but it is an ordinary document, not a telegram, so it will take a certain amount of time to arrive at the northwest farm.

After ending the call with Jiang Yun, Lu Jiang immediately dialed Cheng Baoguo's number.

"Third uncle, is Anbang here? If he is, ask him to answer the phone. If he is not, ask him to call me back as soon as he comes back!"

Cheng Baoguo heard his voice was very urgent, as if he had something important to say, "Don't worry, Anbang is here, I'll ask him to come over."

Zhao Anbang came over quickly and picked up the phone.

"Ah Jiang, what's the matter?"

Hearing Zhao Anbang's voice, Lu Jiang smiled and said, "Hurry home, pack your things, and set off immediately."

"Why am I setting off? Please tell me clearly. Don't keep half of the words on your lips. You were not like this before. Have you changed after we haven't seen each other for a few years? I am very tired from frequent business trips, so what's the matter? I haven't seen you every time." Zhao Anbang was also very upset. "Fortunately, Xibao is staying at home, so I can go find my son when I'm free."

Lu Jiang couldn't help but said: "Xibao and his father went to the capital to attend Tianjuan's wedding, and they are not at home now."

Zhao Anbang was immediately speechless.

After a moment, he said feebly: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Uncle Zhao's good news, do you want to hear it?" Lu Jiang still spoke in a roundabout way.

"My dad?" Zhao Anbang perked up, "Good news about my dad? Could it be that the country has resumed his job?"

Ye Zhengjun was able to resume work after he was decentralized, so his father should also have a chance, right?

Zhao Anbang felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Lu Jiang said seriously: "We have to wait for the opportunity to resume work. Now Uncle Zhao can go back to his hometown to recuperate. I heard from Comrade Jiang Yun that several old comrades in arms of Uncle Zhao were behind the scenes, saying that Old Zhao My uncle is old, frail and sick, and it is difficult for him to handle the current intensity of labor. We allow him to go home to recuperate because he has long since repented and accepted the labor reform."

"That's enough, that's enough. It's good to come back. It's good to go home!" Zhao Anbang went to visit his old father. That is not a place for people to live. Going home is more important than any work.

Lu Jiang smiled slightly and said, "As long as I can come back, everything will be easy in the future. When this news came from the capital, the document had already been sent out, and it was iron-clad. You set off immediately. When the document is sent to the northwest, you will probably arrive. Okay, That’s all. Zhuangzhuang is sick and his mother is taking care of them at home alone. I have to go home.”

He kept an eye on the time and found that it was time to call off work.

Zhao Anbang nodded while he was talking, "I understand, I remember it, don't worry, I'll ask for leave right now, and I'll set off right away. Wait, you said Zhuang Zhuang is sick? How is it? Does it matter? ?”

"It's a fever, don't worry, I won't tell you anymore, hang up now!"

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