Zhao Anbang was more anxious than Lu Jiang. After hanging up the phone, he asked Cheng Baoguo for leave and ran home quickly.

An arm is missing, but his legs and feet are fine.

He worked in the city. After his job became stable, he soon brought his mother, sister, and nephew to his side. He now has no wife and children. Aunt Zhao and Zhao Guohong both felt sorry for him and took good care of him. They told Zhao Tianqi'er every day and would like to ask for help in the future. Provide care for Zhao Anbang and be filial to him, but he joined the army at the beginning of the year.

Although Zhao Anbang changed his career and returned to his hometown, he had many connections. Without disturbing Lu Jiang, he easily got his nephew a place in the army. After passing all the requirements, he officially enlisted. Now is the training period for new recruits.

Yes, it's a nephew. Zhao Tianqi's surname is Zhao. Of course he is a nephew and not a nephew.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhao and her daughter were both pasting cloth boards on the table in the yard. They used paste to stick various rags together layer by layer to form a big cloth board, and finally flattened it to dry. It is a good material for every household to make shoes. The soles and uppers are cut out from cloth boards according to the shoe shape and then sewn.

Zhao Anbang rushed home out of breath and saw this scene, "Mom, eldest sister, pack my things quickly. If you don't have national food stamps, bring me food. You can also exchange for food. I will go to the train station immediately, buy a ticket and set off." "

"Are you going on a business trip again?" Zhao Guohong asked, but his hand was not in a hurry, "You have to exchange for national food stamps before going on a business trip."

"No!" After Zhao Anbang denied it, he closed the door, walked to his mother and sister, and lowered his voice: "Dad can come back. The documents have been handed down. Dad can come back. I'll pick him up!"

Aunt Zhao and Zhao Guohong said in disbelief: "What? What did you say?"

Zhao Anbang said one word at a time: "The superiors allow dad to go home to recuperate. I will go and bring dad back!"

Zhao Guohong burst into tears, and Aunt Zhao also burst into tears, covering her face with her hands, "Your father can come back? Can your father come back? It's great, it's great. For more than ten years, I have been I have been waiting for him to come home for the rest of my life, and I have finally waited for it!”

Zhao Anbang's eyes were sour, and he supported his mother with one hand, "When dad comes back, we will be reunited as a family, don't cry."

"Yes, yes, it's better than anything else to be reunited as a family!" Aunt Zhao grabbed her son's sleeve and said, "Who did you listen to? Is the news accurate? Your father is not here, the documents should be sent to the northwest farm!"

Zhao Anbang whispered: "Ajiang informed me that the documents have indeed come down and will be sent directly to the northwest. I am going to pick up dad."

Who is Lu Jiang? Could Aunt Zhao not know?

Since he notified Zhao Anbang, he must have gotten the real news.

Aunt Zhao choked up and said: "Okay, okay, let your sister pack your things, put on the clothes, shoes and socks I made for your father, and put them on from head to toe after leaving that place. I will go and change the whole country for you." Food stamps, you two have to eat on the way back!"

After saying that, she went back to the house to get local food stamps and hurried out.

Zhao Anbang often travels on business, and Aunt Zhao is already used to exchanging local food stamps for national food stamps. She usually goes to Chen Ming. Chen Ming, who was transferred to the city, still does food-related work, which is very convenient.

Because of Lu Jiang, Zhao Anbang got to know Chen Ming, and the relationship has been maintained well over the years.

Both of them lost an arm on the battlefield, and they felt sorry for each other.

As soon as he heard that Zhao Anbang was going to pick up Zhao Dapao, Chen Ming got 100 kilograms of national food stamps for Aunt Zhao without saying a word, "I have to take care of it when I get to the northwest farm. Don't be polite to me, Auntie."

. . Continue at noon

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