Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1408 Enemies meet on a narrow road 2

While Li Shuitian was queuing up to buy something, Lu Jiang looked around and listened. Most of his attention was on his children, and the rest was on the crowd at the grocery store.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar face.

It was so familiar that he recognized it at a glance and couldn't help but rub his eyes. When he looked over again, the owner of that face had already left the place, probably leaving the grocery store.

"Shui Tian," Lu Jiang called him, "how did I see Lu Zhaodi?"

Li Shuitian took back the change from the butcher and said, "You read that right, it's her."

Lu Jiang was stunned, "Why is she here?"

Did Jin Hong leave the army? Lu Jiang regretted not asking Ye Zhengjun about the current situation of the army.

"My Hongzhu always says it's called enemies meeting on a narrow road!" Li Shuitian didn't directly answer Lu Jiang's question, but said with emotion, "What a coincidence, Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi's house is separated from ours by a wall!"

Lu Jiang chuckled, "You guys became neighbors?"

"What are we not neighbors who are separated by a wall? No, we are enemies on a narrow road." Li Shuitian took them out of the grocery store and walked towards his home road. He did not forget that the reason why he had to leave the army was because of Jin Hong, and this hatred was irreconcilable. , "If you listen to what I say next, you will completely understand what it means to be enemies and never get together again."

An idea flashed in Lu Jiang's mind, and he asked tentatively: "Are you working together too?"

Although Li Shuitian left the army due to reporting and was not transferred to another job, with his ability and connections, it was easy to find a job back in his hometown, and he must have settled in Baozhou because of his work.

Jin Hong is very good at drilling. If he is expelled from the army for his crimes, he can still find a job to support his family.

Li Shuitian patted his thigh and said, "I haven't seen you for more than a year. Comrade Lu Jiang, you are really clever!"

The reason why he left the army was that Cao Hongzhu said that "Yi Zi can eat each other" without covering up his face, which ruined the image of the country. Even if it was not from his mouth, he was still a husband and wife, so he could only return to his hometown to farm after leaving the army.

Originally, he and his wife had money, and when they were short of food, they could go to the black market to buy high-priced grain, and they could live out the rest of their lives peacefully as farmers. However, he was always reluctant to leave the army, and he remembered what Lu Jiang said to him before leaving the army, He still wanted to return to the army, but things were different. They had been away from their hometown for too long, and they had already become estranged from their fellow villagers. And because many people said that Cao Hongzhu was a hen that could not lay eggs, he felt sorry for his wife and decided to find her. I got a job and settled in Baozhou.

He is not from Baozhou, but his wife's natal family is, although her natal family no longer has any parents.

"It's been almost a year since Comrade Cao Hongzhu and I settled in Baozhou," Li Shuitian opened the door of his home and continued talking to Lu Jiang, "We were living a stable life, but who knew that Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi would suddenly appear in the middle of the road? !”

Lu Jiang asked: "How long has Jin Hong been here?"

He had been transferred to Baozhou for less than a year. He believed that Jin Hong had been here for even less time. At least Jin Hong was still very prosperous before he left the army.

Li Shuitian replied: "Two months, they came two months ago. By the way, Comrade Lu Jiang, why did Jin Hong leave the army? Why are you here?"

After he left the army, he had no contact with his comrades in the army and had no idea what happened after he left.

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