Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1409 Enemies meet on a narrow road 3

Cao Hongzhu was drying clothes in the small courtyard. When she turned around and saw Lu Jiang and the three children, she was also surprised.

"Commander of the Army? How come you have time to come to Baozhou?" She suffered an injury to her tongue. Although she was treated by Feng Qingxue and others, she failed to follow up and her speech is now a little slurred.

Lu Jiang nodded slightly at her, "I was transferred here last year. I also came to the city during this period, but I haven't seen you."

The fish seller's attitude towards Li Shuitian is very enthusiastic, which shows that Li Shuitian's job is not easy.

Cao Hongzhu's expression was calm and indifferent now. He was a completely different person than when he reported the Lu family, Qi family and others. He replied with a smile to Lu Jiang: "There is a huge sea of ​​people. How can we say that we will bump into each other? We have only been here for less than a month. Year. You are a military commander, and transfers are usually for promotion or promotion. There are Long Live Army soldiers here in Baozhou. Are you transferred to the Long Live Army? "

Lu Jiang neither admitted nor denied it. Unable to resist, he followed Ping Zhengkai beside him, "Yes, sister-in-law, the leader is now in charge of the Long Live Army. Are both sister-in-law and Comrade Shuitian from the border defense force?"


Only then did Cao Hongzhu notice Ping Zhengkai and the things in his hands. He hurriedly invited them into the house to drink tea and took the things smoothly.

Li Shuitian poured water and took out the edible cakes and preserves at home for Fubao and Dundun Zhuangzhuang. At this time, he realized that Xibao and Zhuangzhuang were missing. "Why didn't those two precious eggs come out to play together?"

"Xibao and his grandfather went to the capital to attend his eldest cousin's wedding. Zhuangzhuang is in good health, but the spring is warm and cold, so we dare not take him out. Shuitian, Comrade Cao Hongzhu, don't take the delicious food, a few children eat it Not that many things." Seeing Lu Erxiong's mouth bulging and his hands full, Lu Jiang was so angry that it was really embarrassing.

Cao Hongzhu said with a smile: "We don't have much delicious food at home, there are just two. Let the children choose what they like."

Erxiong swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Thank you, ma'am!"

He looked so similar to Dundun that Cao Hongzhu couldn't tell which of the triplets he was. "You're welcome. Eat quickly. I'll pour you some water. Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Lu Erxiong!"

Cao Hongzhu nodded to express her understanding, poured water for him, and then for Fu Bao and Dun Dun. She couldn't help but praise: "Fu Bao is getting more and more handsome as he grows. He is just like your mother who was cast in the same mold."

"Thank you, auntie!" Fu Bao liked hearing this sentence.

Ping Zhengkai listened to Lu Jiang and went out to buy things. Li Shuitian asked: "Does Comrade Lu Jiang know the reason why Jin Hong left the army?"

"I was just going to ask you." Lu Jiang said, "When I left the army, Jin Hong was still the director of his political department. Yes, he replaced you, and he was the one who reported you in the first place."

When Cao Hongzhu heard this, his eyes turned red, "I knew it was him. Mr. Shuitian said you can't convict people casually without evidence!"

Li Shuitian had expected it and did not grit his teeth like his wife. "It's not surprising. After I left the army, I was naturally replaced by someone from below. However, Lu Zhaodi has always claimed that Jin Hong changed his job and returned to his hometown. I don't believe this. If he changes his job, How could Jin Hong be inferior to me? His rank in the army is so high."

"Yes, I don't believe it either!" Cao Hongzhu's eyes revealed a trace of ridicule, "Although Lu Zhaodi kept saying that Jin Hong did not want to burden the country after changing his job, so he preferred to be an ordinary police officer, but he can deceive others but cannot deceive us."

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