Wang Cuilan had nothing to do after retirement. She always felt that she was useless for anything in life. She was very lost and then depressed. Suddenly she heard her husband say that Feng Qingxue went to school and needed her to take care of the children, and she suddenly came to life.

It feels so good to be needed by your family!

Wang Cuilan is full of energy and happily buys things, packs her luggage, and redeems national food stamps.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

Wang Cuilan's grain and oil relations were all in Huaihai City. When she arrived in the capital, she had nothing. Naturally, she had to bring enough rations first, and asked Cheng Baoguo to send the rest on a monthly basis until her address was confirmed in the capital.

Because she was afraid of not being able to make it in time, she first sent her luggage and food to Wang Xinsheng's home, and then took a flight from Jinling to Beijing.

As for Cheng Baoguo, she had already forgotten it.

When Wang Cuilan arrived in the capital, Lu Jiang also asked for leave to send his wife and children to the capital and gathered at Wang Xinsheng's home.

On the phone, Lu Jiang and Cheng Baoguo agreed to meet at Wang Xinsheng's home so that they would not be unable to find each other.

There was no need for Feng Qingxue to apply for student dormitories and staff dormitories. Wang Xinsheng and Guo Yan found a house for them after knowing the instructions issued by the old leader. It was near Capital University and only took 20 minutes to go to and from school. distance.

Guo Yan smiled and said: "I know you can't let go of your child, so you will definitely take your child with you, so I prepared a house for you first."

"Thank you, auntie. We originally planned to apply for student dormitories or staff dormitories." Feng Qingxue was a little embarrassed and her face was very red. "When I went to school, everyone was busy with their work. Aunt Cuilan even came here to take care of us. child."

"Why are you so polite?" Wang Cuilan interrupted and asked Wang Cuilan directly: "Is there an owner of the house?"

Guo Yan said hurriedly: "There is no owner, it is owned by the state. After the commotion in the past two years, how dare private houses be rented out? This house is an old house that was nationalized and was given to Capital University in the early years. A professor lived there. After the death of the old professor and his wife, no one cared about the house. The door was leaky, overgrown with weeds, and half of the house collapsed. Housing in the city was so tight that the housing management office didn't take care of it. His uncle rented it and found someone to move it out. I bought two carts of old bricks and tiles, and worked hard for several days, and finally got something done.”

"Why is it so neglected and dilapidated?" Feng Qingxue was very puzzled. Housing in the city was in short supply, and it was similar across the country. Of course, the housing shortage was the most severe in Shanghai.

Guo Yan coughed twice, "It is said that the housing management allocated it to which unit. The allocation was unfair. Several families quarreled, and then they were all assigned to the newly built building. At that time, the old house collapsed due to a heavy snowfall. , It is not easy for ordinary people to get some bricks and tiles. Who is willing to take over this mess? Moreover, the old house is an old culture, and no one cares about it, so the housing management office took it back. "

Feng Qingxue expressed her understanding. Anyway, there are always some strange reasons for many things, which made her, a new era woman from decades later, have no other reaction except to be stunned.

Wang Xinsheng couldn't help but said: "Actually, it's nice to live in our house."

"Qingxue and I both understand the good intentions of uncle and aunt, but it is inconvenient to get in and out." Lu Jiang answered. The compound where Wang Xinsheng and the leaders live is so strict. They have to be interrogated every time they come in and out. It is better to live outside. He will try his best to let his wife and children live in this compound instead of living in Wang Xinsheng's house for a long time.

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