Wang Xinsheng also knew that nothing he said would be of any use. Even though Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were young and stubborn, they were stubborn!

After dinner, my wife and I sent them to the house that we had packed up.

When they were about to reach their destination, the car passed by the gate of a Zhumen compound with five steps and one post. Wang Xinsheng said to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue who were sitting in the back seat: "Did you see that? Mr. Lu lives here. Not long after we moved here, if you have any problems, just knock on the door and find him. Anyway, his guards won’t stop Qingxue.”

Feng Qingxue huffed and leaned on the car window to look out. Sure enough, they were heavily guarded.

The weather was hot, so the car windows were always open, which was convenient for her to look out. At the same time, she also saw many passers-by being cautious when passing by the entrance of the compound, not daring to take a breath.

"Is this the courtyard?" Feng Qingxue said.

There are actually many types of so-called compounds. The old leader lived in the political center, in Haizi, among the red walls. The military compound was also called a compound. The sanatoriums, courtyards and other places where top leaders lived outside were also called compounds. It's called a compound, and it has the same five-step, one-post, ten-step-one post.

However, without exception, the real compound is the one where the old leader lives and Lu Shuai lives.

Those who can be called big courtyard brothers are definitely not the big courtyard brothers of the army, but the elders of the family who once lived in the Red Wall Courtyard and the Zhumen Courtyard and Mountain Sanatorium outside. People such as Jiang Xiaoyue, Wang Zhonghua, Lu Yi and others are high-ranking cadres. Children also refer to the elders in the family who are civilian cadres above the deputy senior official level and military cadres above the deputy military level. Not all children of cadres can be called the children of high-ranking cadres.

Well, Xibao, Fubao, and the triplets can now be considered as high-ranking disciples.

Wang Xinsheng heard what Feng Qingxue meant and smiled and said, "That's it, many veterans of our country live in such a compound, but not many of them live with us. Where we live This is the office location.”

Feng Qingxue understood, very clearly.

Compared with the Zhumen compound where Lu Shuai lives, the old house next door to Wang Xinsheng and Guo Yan is like a small sparrow to a colorful phoenix. The paint on the doors and windows has long been mottled, and the gray bricks and tiles are all gray. .

It's a courtyard, not big, but not small either. It has three main rooms, two wing rooms on the left and right, and a kitchen and toilet.

There is a pomegranate tree in the yard. I don’t know how it survived. Now the green leaves are whirling, dotted with green-skinned pomegranates. The branches are almost hanging down. In time, there will be a harvest.

Guo Yan came down and brought Feng Qingxue in. After unlocking the door, he handed her the key, "There is no well in the yard, so waiting for the water tanker to deliver water every day is not a problem, so I pulled a water pipe from Mr. Lu's house. A faucet is installed in the kitchen. Although Mr. Lu said that the water fee is not worth mentioning, when it comes time to pay the water fee, you have to be responsible. We cannot take it for granted. "

"I remember, aunt." Feng Qingxue naturally understood Guo Yan's kindness.

Wang Cuilan likes Fu Bao the most now. She pulled Fu Bao around and said with a smile on her face: "This house is nice. It doesn't matter if the yard is a little small. The triplets want to play. Xue Niang and I will take them next door."

Wang Cuilan used to be a soldier under Mr. Lu. She was brought out by Mr. Lu, so the relationship was naturally very good. Chen Xueniang was Han Ye's savior. How could Mr. Lu not open the door for them? It is estimated that Wang Xinsheng found this courtyard for them to live because he did not have to worry about personal safety.

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