Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1436 Xibao comes to Beijing 2

After Jin Laoqi finished his work the next day, he took the bus here to inquire about the details from the people around him.

He almost shocked his last few teeth when he learned that the house close to the compound lived with the family of Commander Long Live Army Lu Jiang, who often came and went with the compound, unlike other families who avoided Zhumen Courtyard. Lost.

The surname is Lu, which is basically certain.

What surprised him wasn't this. When he saw Feng Qingxue, he knew he had the right person. What surprised him was Lu Jiang's status.

"Commander, Commander, he became the commander at such a young age. It's amazing, amazing. He deserves to be the descendant of my grandma." Jin Laoqi murmured to himself. It was enough to know who it was. He had no intention of building a relationship with the other party now. , "Perhaps it is really the blessing of my ancestors. I just came to see the old house that my ancestors had changed owners several times. I actually fulfilled my wish and found the person I was looking for."

After a few days, he still couldn't suppress his excitement, so he took the time to find Qiao San in the evening. In the snow and ice, the cesspit was sealed, and there was no smell in the air. The two old men ate the high-priced pork heads obtained from the black market. , drinking Erguotou, very moisturizing.

"Do you still remember the couple you introduced to me to exchange things for?" Jin Laoqi spoke first.

Qiao San thought for a while, "Remember, the couple were young and kind, and the food they gave me was generous. They were not the kind of people who would spend every penny. I thought back when I only got a few kilograms of coarse grain for a gold bar, they gave me too much." Several times more, I really want to make a deal with them again. I remember you said they are the descendants of your old aunt, how could it be such a coincidence."

"What a coincidence!" Jin Laoqi took a sip of wine, "This is the blood relationship that prompted us to meet in the vast sea of ​​people."

Qiao San nodded and smiled, "You are alone and have no descendants. It is also a kind of fate to find relatives who are several generations apart. It is a pity that they only gave you a surname and never gave you a face."

Jin Laoqi did not say that he already knew who the other party was. He had no intention of causing trouble and danger to the Lu family. Instead, he looked at Qiao San sideways and said, "So what if you have descendants? They are all over the world, but they are all like You broke off the relationship, haven't you fallen to this point like me? "

"So what if we cut off the relationship? If we cut off the relationship, we are no longer Mr. Qiao's biological flesh and blood? We still have to pass on the blood of my surname Qiao. They can't carve out the bones and return the father, right? I have never experienced anything like this in my life. , I have looked away a long time ago." Qiao San smiled very confidently, "Old Qi, you have to live well, and wait and see, if I can live longer and live to the time when I can make a fortune in gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and painting, With the little treasure I have in my hand, I will have a group of filial sons and grandsons to take care of me until the end of my life.”

Jin Laoqi was stunned, "You mean your children who have severed ties with you?"

"Of course, who else besides them? When I was not unlucky, they started to plot my family fortune, please me, and want to share more of the property. Time will not change their true nature. So, I have to live well, since ancient times Changes of dynasties have occurred frequently in the past, but the value of jewelry and antiques will not decrease. Even if it falls into a trough for a period of time, it will eventually soar. "

After hearing Qiao San's words, Jin Laoqi was thoughtful and didn't speak for a long time.

"Why don't you speak?" Qiao San asked.

Jin Laoqi said: "I'm thinking that gold is in short supply in the black market. In the future, I should just spend the gold in exchange for food. I'll keep the jewelry and antiques first. Maybe I can meet the descendants of my old aunt. It's better to pass it on to them than to give it to outsiders. "

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