Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1437 Xibao comes to Beijing 3

As soon as Jin Laoqi said these words, Qiao San couldn't help laughing and almost burst into tears.

"Jin Lao Qi, Jin Lao Qi, why do you think you take it for granted for so long? Gold is hard currency, so it's right to save more for yourself." Qiao San wiped the corners of his eyes and took a sip of Erguotou, "Besides, You don’t know their names or where they are, so you just want to leave the good things you’ve hidden with them. Is that possible? You have to find someone first before you can do that.”

"You're right, I have to find someone first." Even though he was laughed at by Qiao San, Jin Laoqi still didn't say that he had found the rightful owner.

If you think about it carefully, gold is indeed very important. When jewelry and antiques have no value, gold is always in circulation. In war-torn times, you have to use gold to buy good things, and you can't spend it indiscriminately.

The gold was not spent, but the jewelry and antiques wanted to be left to the Lu family. Jin Laoqi began to worry about his future.

With that salary and food supply alone, one person would starve to death.

Qiao San didn't know what he was thinking, so he took a bite of pig head meat. After not eating meat for a long time, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, "There is a huge sea of ​​people, nameless and nameless. We live under everyone's supervision every day, but it's not easy to find." them."

"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are willing." Jin Laoqi also took a bite of the pig head meat.

Qiao San nodded, then shook his head, "You have a lot of people in the Aixinjueluo family, right? But if you find someone with a foreign surname, you won't be afraid that those people in your family will settle accounts with you."

There was a bit of sarcasm in Jin Laoqi's eyes, "Although we are from the lineage of Prince Yi, the son of Emperor Kangxi, our lineage is the down-and-out. Their ancestors and my ancestors are brothers, and my ancestors fell into poverty for some reason. They Our ancestors rose to prominence, and in the next five or six generations they were able to produce the last emperor with great success. We have no intention of being disrespectful to them. Our ancestors did not do this for several generations, and even my generation did not. But the old aunt who got married did not. My ancestor’s biological daughter, we are the same ancestor.”

"What this ancestor, that ancestor, I don't understand." Qiao San didn't bother to think about it, and raised the wine bowl towards Jin Laoqi, "We share the same illness and pity the two old people, guarding the cesspit, and still drink our Erguotou. Eating our pig head meat is better than anything else, and living is better than anything else. You see, those who are in power now may not be able to live as long as us. "

Jin Laoqi laughed, "Yes, it is good to live, and it is even better to live a long life. We work hard to live. Every time there is a change of dynasty, we have to live in chaos for several decades. It has been more than twenty years now, and it will be another ten years at most. It’s time to stabilize.”

After staggering away from Qiao San's house, Jin Laoqi took a flashlight and entered the house on the night road.

As soon as he entered the yard, he noticed something was wrong.

There is nothing good in his house on the surface, just some pots and pans, some clothes and bedding, and a little coarse food that does not exceed the specifications. There are quite a lot of things hidden secretly, so he will lock the door when he comes out.

However, there is a broken basket in front of the main room.

In the dark night, he almost thought it was a person sitting there.

He walked over and took a look. There were several bags of grain inside, including flour, cornmeal and rice, totaling thirty kilograms. However, the needlework on the bags was different from the previous ones. Jin Laoqi said with a smile on his eyebrows, "Although it is different. , But it could also be a cloth bag made by someone else. Couldn't this food be delivered by that child? My wall is not short, and it is impossible for her to climb in. "

That child refers to Feng Qingxue.

Lu Jiang is currently in Baozhou, where the Long Live Army is stationed. Jin Laoqi also found out about it a few days ago.

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