Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1438 Xibao comes to Beijing 4

Seeing Jin Laoqi enter the house, Lu Jiang, who was lurking in the shadows outside the wall, pulled away and went home. Seeing that his wife was still awake, he quickly took off his military coat and shook off the cold air on his body, "Didn't I tell you to let you go first?" Rest?"

Feng Qingxue handed him a bowl of slightly scalding water, "Has the stuff been delivered?"

"It's been delivered. I watched Jin Laoqi enter the house with my own eyes. He will definitely see the food on the doorstep." After answering his wife's question, Lu Jiang took the boiled water and drank it in one gulp. His whole body warmed up. "I heard Jin Laoqi seems to know that we are the ones dealing with him, and we must continue to pay attention to it in the future to prevent him from making it known to the outside world. "

Feng Qingxue sighed, "Tell me, why are there so many sharp-eyed people in this world? I didn't even show my face, and my voice was different from the one during the transaction. How could he be sure it was us? If it hadn't been for yesterday I sent yak jerky to the next door, and I didn’t even know that Jin Laoqi asked them what our last names were.”

Lu Jiang shrugged, put down the empty bowl, and took her into the bedroom, "Which old man like Jin Laoqi is not a shrewd person among shrewd people? As long as he doesn't have bad intentions towards us."

"Just now you said you should pay attention!" Feng Qingxue gave him an elegant eye roll.

Lu Jiang smiled lowly, "It's a blessing, not a curse, but we can't avoid it. We are not worried about whether we have anything to do with Jin Lao Qi. We are just worried that Jin Lao Qi will expose our transaction with him. It concerns Jin Lao Qi himself. He He will not publicize it to the outside world, because once it is publicized, he will not be able to escape the charge of private transactions, which will make his current situation even worse. "

Feng Qingxue hummed, "How many days can you stay here this time?"

"I'm not sure how many days I can stay at home, but I will stay in the capital for a long time. I will go home to be with you when I have time." Lu Jiang knows the direction of national affairs because of his wife, and now he has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He had to take advantage of it.

Feng Qingxue felt very happy. Life was completely different when her husband was by her side and when she was not.

I thought my husband would stay in the capital for a month or two at most, but I didn't expect that he stayed for more than half a year, from March to September. Although he was not in the capital several times during this period, his whereabouts are a mystery.

During this period, the atmosphere in the capital was also different from usual. Feng Qingxue had not seen Wang Xinsheng, Lu Shuai and others for a long time.

Feng Qingxue checked the historical data and soon understood what was going on. She also knew that her husband had made great contributions in this operation. More and more people were kind to her, including people in the school.

Unconsciously, it has been one year since I entered school.

She is studying in a two-year program and needs to continue studying, but the worker, peasant, and soldier students who are studying in a one-year program have to graduate. Some are assigned jobs by the state, and some still return to their original posts.

Feng Qingxue welcomed the National Day as she saw off familiar military trainees one after another.

National Day is a big holiday, and you can have a day off. Lu Jiang is also in the capital. After Feng Qingxue put down his clothes on the evening of September 30, he hurried back home. Lu Jiang was taking his children to pick pomegranates.

"I want the biggest one!" Lu Erxiong raised his face and put his hands on his hips.

Lu Jiang picked off a large red-skinned pomegranate and threw it back. It landed gently and deftly in the arms of his son Xiong.

Lu Erxiong hugged the big pomegranate and laughed happily, "Dad, you are so kind, I like you the most!"

Fu Bao dressed up beautifully, puffed out his face, and said unhappily: "Dad, I want the tallest one, the big pomegranate on the top, and I won't let the two bears eat it. It's so bad. I just grabbed Dundun's chicken cake." !”

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