Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1439 Xibao comes to Beijing 5

When Feng Qingxue walked into the house, Zhuang Zhuang dropped the pomegranate in his hand and ran over.

"Mom!" He shouted happily, holding her thigh without letting go, looking up at his fair and handsome little face, "Mom, mom, Brother Xiong is really bad. He's trying to grab Brother Dundun's chicken cake. Remember to fight. His ass.”

"Okay!" Feng Qingxue responded as she walked under the pomegranate tree and raised her face, "Don't throw away the pomegranates you picked. Put them in a basket and give a few to the neighbors."

You have to be careful when dealing with people.

After listening to his wife's words, Lu Jiang smiled and said, "I know!"

There were a lot of pomegranates this year, twice as many as last year. The branches were so heavy that they were bent. Lu Jiang picked five baskets of pomegranates. “You can keep the ones you picked for yourself or give them to your neighbors. Leave some on the tree,” he said. Pick some good ones in a few days, and give one basket to the old leader, and the other basket to the uncle and Mr. Guo."

"Huh?" Feng Qingxue blinked.

Lu Jiang understood what his wife meant and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is the National Day on October 1st. The old leader is very busy and will definitely not have time to see us alone. We will go there in two days. The old leader wants to meet our family. It's a big deal The dust has basically settled, and only the follow-up is left. After I meet the old leader, I can take a month off. I have sent a telegram to my family, and my father is taking Xibao to Beijing. "

"Dad and Xibao are coming? That's great!" For Feng Qingxue, this is the biggest good news. "I'll clean up their room right away. By the way, tomorrow is the National Day, don't you have any plans?"

Lu Jiang is now different from what he used to be. No one looks down on this young military commander anymore.

Lu Jiang has a place in important national occasions.

Lu Jiang replied: "I will definitely not be at home tomorrow. I have to participate in so many activities during the National Day. I can't miss any of them. I also have to discuss future work arrangements and military deployment with the leaders."

All units and agencies have to be sorted out again.

Feng Qingxue understood, so she had no objections and fully supported her husband's work.

While Lu Jiang was busy, in the evening two days later, Lu's father rushed into the capital with Xibao. The grandfather and grandson flew in from Jinling, so they were so fast.

Feng Qingxue and Wang Cuilan took their children to the airport to pick them up and took the bus.

"Xibao, I miss you so much!" Feng Qingxue pulled her eldest son and showed her head, "Oh my, you have grown a lot taller!"

Xibao hugged his mother's waist and said, "Mom, I miss you too!"

Lu Erxiong was jealous and tugged on Xibao's lapel, "My mother, my mother misses me the most!"

"Lu Erxiong, you are still so naughty!" Xibao turned around and touched Brother Xiong's head, "Are you sorry that you follow your mother every day and make her miss you? I haven't seen you for more than a year. You don't miss me?"

"Think!" Lu Erxiong said sweetly.

Xibao hugged his sister and triplets one by one and said, "I brought you a lot of fun things." He looked like a big brother.

Zhuangzhuang took out two bright red pomegranates from his pocket, put one into Xibao's hand, and handed the other to Father Lu. He bent his big eyes and said sweetly: "Grandpa, big brother, eat, dad picked the pomegranates." , It’s so sweet. I know grandpa and big brother are coming, so I will leave the best pomegranates to grandpa and big brother!”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t forget to add: “I won’t give it to Brother Xiong!”

Father Lu and Xibao were particularly surprised and said in unison: "Zhuang Zhuang is so good!"

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