Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1443 Take precautions before they happen 1

Although Fu Bao was very squeamish when she was a child, with the birth of the triplets and as she grew older, she became more and more like an older sister. She often helped take care of Dundun and rarely cried unless she was greatly wronged.

Therefore, upon hearing her cry, Feng Qingxue's first reaction was to open the door between the two families.

Lu Shuai lives in the big courtyard, and the Lu family lives in the small courtyard. According to Jin Laoqi, the Lu family's courtyard used to be Baylor's Mansion, and the next door is naturally the home of officials. How can ordinary people dare to live next to Baylor's Mansion? It's just that not all official families own a big house, and a considerable number of them live in rented houses.

The cry came from the back garden. Feng Qingxue took Zhuangzhuang and Jiang Xiaoyue to find it. The lights in the back garden were very bright. They saw Xibao and a boy fighting. Lu Yi , Xu Shengli and several unknown young boys were applauding and cheering loudly. Among them was Lu Erxiong, who was afraid of the world being in chaos, jumping up and down.

Dundun was honest and sat beside Fu Bao on the wisteria trellis. Fu Bao's eyes were red.

Seeing her mother and the hall sister-in-law, she immediately got up and ran over in small steps, "Mom, the bad guys are playing tricks on me!"

When Feng Qingxue heard this, her eyes turned red and she became furious!

Fu Bao has been beautiful since she was a child, and Feng Qingxue is considerate and long-term. She often tells her daughter not to take off her clothes in front of outsiders, not to let outsiders take off her clothes to see her body, and not to let strangers kiss her, etc. wait.

Now when she hears that someone is playing tricks on her, for a mother, the situation is very serious.

Jiang Xiaoyue rolled up her sleeves and said angrily: "Who? Which bad guy? I'll beat him up!"

Fu Bao grabbed his mother's skirt with one hand and pointed with the other at the boy who was beaten by Xi Bao. He punched the boy until he hit his face, "It's him, it's him. He called me my little wife and kissed me on the face!" "

Feng Qingxue looked at the little gangster fiercely.

Although she is almost thirty years old, she is still no different from when she was twenty. On the contrary, she has added a lot of intellectual elegance. She is so beautiful that no matter how fierce she looks, people will not notice it. Instead, she feels beautiful and gorgeous. .

The hooligan and Xibao were about the same age, and they resisted for a long time without success.

"Stop it, stop it. You can beat my grandpa instead. My grandpa said Fubao is my little wife! I kiss my own little wife to seal it, and she will no longer be someone else's little wife!" he shouted in his voice. They all cried out.

"You still say that!" Xibao clenched his hands into fists and was so angry that he almost didn't care whether to hit someone or not.

The little gangster held his head in his hands and kicked his legs wildly, "You are unreasonable! Can't I tell the truth? Fu Bao is the most beautiful and cutest little girl I have ever seen, and she is my little wife!"

Xibao's fist landed on his stomach, "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you until your parents don't even recognize you!"

Fu Bao also heard it and said angrily: "You stinky scoundrel! Mom, I'm going to beat him up!"

In the eyes of the triplets, the gentle girl who imitates her mother in appearance is not so gentle in her heart. After all, she spends most of her life in the army. She rushed over and scratched the face of a young gangster!

Hey, her nails aren't sharp, but they are pretty awesome!

The little hooligan groaned and covered his face with his hands, "You are my little wife, how can you arrest me?"

"You stinking scoundrel, if you say that again I will tear your mouth apart! Brother, get out of your way." Fu Bao raised his foot and kicked his ass. The butt was so fleshy that it didn't hurt. "You are acting like a scoundrel, you bad guy, I'll kick him to death." you!"

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