Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1444 Take precautions before they happen 2

Xibao has already gotten up. The little gangster is lying on the ground pretending to be dead, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. There are three blood marks on the left and right sides of his cheeks. He was caught very badly, and covered with dust, he looks quite miserable. "You are me My little daughter-in-law kissed my own little daughter-in-law, so she didn’t act like a gangster. My grandpa beat my grandpa, but my grandpa didn’t fight back, and I won’t fight back now.”

Not fighting back? Then kick it!

Fu Bao kicked out, and with a "stinky gangster" sound, he landed heavily on the little gangster's butt.

"Sister, let me help you!" Lu Erxiong rushed forward excitedly and pressed his whole body onto the little gangster.

He was so fat that he almost overwhelmed the little gangster!

"Ouch, little fat man, my wife is beating me up, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Hearing that the children were fighting, the adults who hurried over from the front hall saw the scene in front of them and heard a few conversations that followed. One of the old men with white eyebrows laughed loudly, "Well done, Luo Xiaobao, a good man can't be beaten by his wife." Fight back."

"Grandpa, my name is not Luo Xiaobao, my name is Luo Peng, the Peng who has traveled thousands of miles!" the little hooligan retorted.

The people I saw coming were Lu Shuai, Luo Cheng, General Xu, who is now Commander Xu, Lu’s father and Lu Jiang, as well as Wang Cuilan and several female comrades from the Lu family and the Xu family. The person who spoke was Luo Cheng, and he saw himself again. The children were still alive, Feng Qingxue calmed down her anger a little, and went up to Jiang Xiaoyue to say hello.

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang also called grandpa and daddy.

Luo Cheng was surprised when he saw Feng Qingxue, "Xiaoxue, when did you come? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Our family lives with Mr. Lu's family. There is a door in the middle. I heard Fu Bao crying and came in through this small door." After Feng Qingxue answered the question, the topic quickly turned to the beaten Luo Peng, " This Luo Peng is the youngest son of Comrade Luo Zhonghua and Comrade Tang Jie, right? Old comrade, you can't say that in front of our Fu Bao, she is still young!"

The world is constantly changing, and children's future love and marriage are never decided by adults. This is the main reason why she and Lu Jiang have always disagreed with other people's desire to get married.

Luo Cheng was a little embarrassed and touched the top of his head, "I know, I know, it's all my fault. That brat asked who saved me, and I told him the truth, and he said that the life-saving grace should be given to me." I said yes, but I already have his grandmother, so I asked him to promise me personally. You happen to have a little girl at home, a pretty little girl. I saw her at Lao Lu’s house today. I pointed at her. Fu Bao said she was your little girl, and when everyone started shouting, he called her "my wife."

Feng Qingxue said angrily: "Old comrade, don't say anything, children will take it seriously."

She walked over and pulled Fu Bao away, picked up the two bears, squatted down and met Luo Peng's eyes, "Comrade Luo Peng, the person who saved your grandfather was not my daughter, but me. Don't repay your kindness to the wrong person."

Luo Peng turned over and sat up, his eyes widened.

"Aunt Lu, you are so beautiful. No wonder my daughter-in-law is so cute. She looks so good even when she is angry." Luo Peng said happily, "When my daughter-in-law grows up, she will be as beautiful as you. Uncle Lu and I are equally beautiful. Blessing."

Feng Qingxue said with a straight face, "You repaid a wrong favor, didn't you hear?"

"I heard it, but you have Uncle Lu. I have no way to commit myself to you, so I have to commit myself to Fu Bao. I'm very smart, right? Aunt Lu." Luo Peng was very proud.

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