Feng Qingyun was shocked when she heard this, "Okay, you're really hiding it!"

What Zhong Wenxiu meant was that the love report had been approved and he could interact with Guancheng openly.

Of course, the previous interactions between the two were not secretive. They met after being introduced by Jiang Xiaoyue, and they have been getting along since they felt they were suitable. The army is more strict in reviewing marriage reports, but it does not prohibit military personnel from falling in love. However, many marriage reports are in You can apply only after you have been promoted, and your love relationship cannot affect your responsibilities.

Although Feng Qingyun and Zhong Wenxiu were both in the art troupe, they accepted different tasks and performed in different locations, so they were not together most of the time. For example, when they performed abroad at the beginning of the year, she went with them, but Zhong Wenxiu did not go.

Zhong Wenxiu pushed her arm, "Don't make it sound like I don't know Wu Zhanpeng."

Wu Zhanpeng from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is passionately pursuing Feng Qingyun. Many people in the art troupe know that an aboveboard pursuit is different from a private relationship. Moreover, the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, so no one can find fault with them.

The only flaw is that Feng Qingyun is too young. She is sixteen this year, seventeen next year, and will not be of marriageable age until the year after that.

Feng Qingyun's mind is more mature than her age, and she will find an opportunity to go home with all her baggage.

"Sister, I'm back!" A sweet voice came in before anyone entered the house.

Xibao had returned from the old leader's place and was practicing calligraphy with his sister under the guidance of Father Lu. As soon as he finished writing, he heard Feng Qingyun's voice. He put down the big calligraphy in his hand and rushed to the yard to open the door, "Auntie, you See who I am? Do you miss me?"

"And me, and me!" Lu Erxiong poked his little head out from behind Xibao.

Feng Qingyun smiled from ear to ear, "Xi Bao, Er Xiong, I miss you so much. What about you? Do you miss me? Er Xiong only saw me two months ago, so his thoughts must be limited, Xi Bao It’s different, Xibao, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, come here and let me see if you have grown taller.”

Xibao stood next to her, "Look where I'm at you! It's your shoulder!"

"Oh, you have grown so much? In a year or two, you will be as tall as me." Feng Qingyun carried the baggage with one hand and put his eldest nephew's shoulder on the other hand as he walked towards the main room, not forgetting to call Er Xiong, "Ah Where is sister? Is school over?”

Xibao shook his head, "No, I can't come back until night."

Lu Jiang was at home on vacation, and he would take his children with him when he went out to socialize. Lu's father and Wang Cuilan were also at home, so Feng Qingxue felt relieved and went out early and came back late. The more she studied, the more she felt that she still had room to learn, and she wished she could break into two in a minute. Half.

"You can't learn much knowledge in the classroom anymore. Whether it's foreign languages ​​or medical skills, your foundation is more profound than what you learned in the classroom from the beginning. But you can learn something by following us old guys. You now What is needed is to calm down, continue to review, and focus on practice," Professor Xie said to Feng Qingxue who was packing up the books.

Feng Qingxue nodded and said: "I listen to you, but the class must be attended as usual. I need a certificate of completion."

Professor Xie hummed, "The medical papers you showed me were very well written. I showed them to all the old medical professors I know. They were impeccable. If there is a channel, you can publish them to Abroad, bringing glory to the country.”

Although Feng Qingxue has always stood on the shoulders of giants, after ten years of studying medical skills, she is not without some ideas and skills.

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