Feng Qingxue also had this plan, and said with a smile: "I have written a paper in French, English and Italian, and have given it to several old professors in the foreign language department to check and compare. If there is no problem, I will send it to to foreign countries.”

Professor Xie was very happy, "That's the best. Although I studied Western medicine and my English is good, my French and Italian are blurred. If you look for them, they won't even have time to be happy. The motherland has established diplomatic relations with other countries. , of course we must find ways to gradually go abroad, and we cannot let foreigners think that our country has always been poor and backward.”

No matter how the country treats them, they only have one motherland in their hearts.

This is one of the reasons why Feng Qingxue respects them. As long as the country needs them, they won't say a word. During the more than a year of school, she has seen many teachers return to their posts, and their seriousness in teaching remains the same. .

Teach seriously without hiding anything.

Theft of papers, which may happen in later generations, will never happen in this era.

Feng Qingxue also came up with the idea of ​​writing a paper because the country was gradually establishing diplomatic relations with other countries and the United Nations would soon restore all the legal rights of her motherland in the United Nations.

Since you are engaged in this industry, you must take it seriously.

Walking out of the campus briskly, when she saw Lu Jiang at the door, Feng Qingxue softened her eyebrows and quickened her pace, "A Jiang!"

After Lu Jiang's vacation, he would send her to school every day and take her home, which made her classmates envious.

Lu Jiang took the heavy schoolbag and said, "Xiaoyun went home today."

"Xiaoyun?" Feng Qingxue couldn't wait to go home to see her sister and ask what was going on. After some distance from the campus gate, she asked: "Wu Zhanpeng, how is your investigation going?"

Wu Zhanpeng pursues Feng Qingyun. She cannot be indifferent. She must at least find out the details about Wu Zhanpeng.

Lu Jiang whispered: "Didn't I say that yesterday? A young talent, a golden turtle son-in-law in the eyes of many people."

"What about the others? Others often see the surface. I want to know his specific family situation, the personalities of his parents, brothers and sisters, his character and whether it has caused any trouble to Xiaoyun."

"Even mothers in other families are not as careful as you." Lu Jiang laughed, "I almost dug out all the eighteen generations of Wu Zhanpeng's ancestors. I found everything I could find."

"Say it!"

Lu Jiang thought about it for a moment and said: "He has three brothers and a sister, all of whom are married and have children. The eldest nephew is older than him, and he is the only one who is not married. He is Comrade Wu Sheng's old son. He has been pampered since he was a child, but he has not developed an arrogant, domineering and arrogant character. Instead, he is gentle, elegant, and an upright gentleman. "

"You've said this before, let's talk about other things." Feng Qingxue said.

"I see you are anxious, but I told you not to be angry."


Lu Jiang said slowly: "Comrade Wu Sheng is a poor farmer's son. His parents were killed by the Japs. The whole village was wiped out and there were only a few people left, so the army took him in as a boy scout. All the knowledge he has now was learned in the army." It shows that he is talented and intelligent, and he is a wise man even in the army. He has never been on the battlefield personally. After his ex-wife died of illness, he married the current Comrade Du Juan and had no family background. He has three daughters-in-law and a wife. A son-in-law comes from an ordinary worker's background, but Comrade Du Juan looked down on the background of his daughter-in-law and son-in-law after Comrade Wu Sheng's rise. Comrade Wu Sheng began to rise step by step in the past twenty years. "

. . Ten chapters, tickets, more or less supplementary updates at night, around ten o'clock

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