"Moon Girl, eight feet tall; rides a white horse and carries a foreign knife; with a sharp foreign knife, she cuts cabbage; when the cabbage is old, she cuts cotton-padded jackets; when cotton-padded jackets are cotton, she cuts purple lotus; purple lotus and purple, she cuts pockmarks; pockmarked hemp, shears bean sprouts; bean sprouts and beans, To cut the bacon; to cut the bacon, cut the bitter melon; to cut the bitter melon into a tiger; the tiger glared, four plates and eight bowls!"

Lu Erxiong twisted his hips and waved his little hands, and occasionally made faces to scare Dundun and Zhuangzhuang. A rowing boat slowly approached them, and hearty laughter came from them.

Feng Qingxue turned around and saw Luo Cheng, Luo Xiaobao and Luo Peng, followed by guards.

"Fubao!" Luo Peng waved vigorously, with a bright smile on his face and white teeth.

Fu Bao muttered "stinky gangster" and turned his back to him.

Luo Cheng held his crutches in his hands, put his head out and smiled: "Er Xiong, what are you singing? It's so nice. Sing it again for grandpa. Grandpa will take you to eat roast duck in Quanjude. The seats have been reserved. Xiaoxue, no Quan refuses. After this meal, I have to take Xiaobao to live with his uncle for a while. "

Lu Erxiong looked at Feng Qingxue and repeated it quickly when he saw her nodding.

The speed of speaking is as fast as a barrage of firecrackers.

"I've finished singing. Grandpa Luo, if you keep your word, treat us all to roast duck!" Lu Erxiong rushed straight to Luocheng without any courtesy at all. He opened his hands with only one thumb curled up and shook it, "Grandpa , grandma, mother and aunt, there are nine of us, and we can eat nine ducks!”

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Okay, if you eat a few, grandpa will buy you a few!" A roast duck costs eight yuan, and ten of them are only eighty yuan, which does not cost him half a month's retirement salary.

"Let's go!" Lu Erxiong said cheerfully.

The boatman followed Luo Cheng's command and docked with their boat.

The boat has been floating on the lake for almost an hour. The children have already enjoyed themselves. Now they are thinking about eating roast duck. Because the Quanjude restaurant is always crowded, they have never had a good meal of roast duck.

Luo Cheng grasped this point. He heard Xibao mention it once when he was rescued by Feng Qingxue, and he remembered it.

He had already reserved a private room and a large table was crowded around it.

One duck and three meals. Among the triplets, Dundun and the second bear ate meat, and Zhuangzhuang drank soup. However, he saw that his brother and sister ate well, so he finally asked Feng Qingxue to roll him a pancake with duck meat and sweet sauce. No green onions.

Although Lu Erxiong kept saying that he wanted to eat nine ducks, in fact, four roast ducks were enough for everyone, including several guards, and there were still two duck racks left to stew.

"Lu Erxiong, we only ate four, what should we do with the remaining five?" Luo Cheng teased him.

Lu Erxiong waved his little hand, "Take it home and continue eating!"

Feng Qingxue would not indulge him and hurriedly said to Luo Cheng: "The supply of roast duck in Quanjude exceeds the demand. We must not do such disgusting things. I will just take one of the two remaining duck racks back to make soup for them." ”

They originally planned to eat out at noon, so they brought their lunch boxes with them.

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Take them all back, we will leave in the afternoon."

When Feng Qingxue was packing two duck racks, Luo Cheng winked at a guard. The guard understood and excused himself to go out and brought back a shiny roast duck that had just come out of the oven.

"Old comrade, look at you!" Feng Qingxue was helpless.

"It's okay, it's okay, take it back and give the child a snack at night!" Luo Cheng said with a smile.

A group of people walked out of the box, and several people also walked out from the next door. One of them, a middle-aged woman, immediately stared at Feng Qingyun who was leading her niece and asked, "Are you Feng Qingyun?" Her tone was quite bad.

. . . Will continue to update around 6 o'clock. Please give me your tickets.

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