He is about forty years old, with yellow and black skin, a pointed face, high cheekbones, two raised eyebrows, a pair of triangular eyes, slightly droopy corners of his mouth, and two deep lines on both sides of his nose. He is dressed in military green clothes and cannot hide his movements. The vitriol between them.

This was her first impression on Feng Qingyun, and it was a very bad impression.

Appearance comes from the heart. People with mean faces make people feel uncomfortable. Most of them are really mean people. If you have a calm mind and are kind, you will look very comfortable no matter how bad your appearance is.

Fu Bao glanced at her curiously, and then hid behind his aunt. This person is so fierce!

"I think the most basic courtesy is to first explain who you are, and then ask the other person's name." Feng Qingyun was not someone to be bullied. Looking at the contempt on the other person's face, he smiled very sweetly and was very polite. Politely, "I am Feng Qingyun, aunt, what is your surname? If you name me in front of me, you can't let us know who you are."

The middle-aged woman said bluntly: "My name is Wu Zhanling."

"I don't know him!" Even if she guessed the other party's identity, Feng Qingyun would not say it out loud. She felt very funny that Wu Zhanling acted like she should be known and respected just after she said her name.

"You don't know me? You don't know who I am?" Wu Zhanling was very angry.

Feng Qingyun said innocently: "Should I know who you are? What contribution have you made to the country? Just by name, I only know the proletarian revolutionaries and masters from all walks of life in our country. I also know every moment in the military. The soldiers who are preparing and the comrades in our regiment who are doing literary work just don’t know what the word Wu Zhanling means.”

Wu Zhanling was almost mad at her, "Sharp-tongued! It's useless no matter how sharp-tongued you are. You don't know me, but you always know our Zhan Peng, right? If you are sensible, don't pester our Zhan Peng, we Not everyone can enter the house.”

Feng Qingyun was angry, but she still had a sweet smile on her pretty face, "What kind of family is yours? Tell me."

"Yes, I also want to know how high the threshold of your family is. They say that our Xiaoyun is not qualified to enter." Luo Cheng came out behind Feng Qingyun, side by side with Father Lu. Xibao helped Father Lu, and Luo Peng helped him. When visiting Luocheng, it was the first time that Luocheng felt the filial piety of his grandson. His heart felt sweet and beautiful. He felt that the influence of environment and friends on children was really important.

Hearing the conversation between Wu Zhanling and Feng Qingyun, Luo Cheng felt very unhappy. Of course, he was not happy with Wu Zhanling. Feng Qingyun was a very good child, with Feng Qingxue's shadow all over his body. The old man loved Wu Zhanling very much. .

"Who are you?" Wu Zhanling turned to Luo Cheng.

You can't blame Wu Zhanling for not recognizing Luo Cheng. Although he is an old revolutionary, Luo Cheng's life is simple, his clothes are patched, and there are no guards following him. He looks no different from an ordinary old man.

At this time, the guards were at the very back, and in front of them were Feng Qingxue and Wang Cuilan with the triplets.

Luo Cheng tapped his cane on the ground, "You don't have to worry about who I am, whose child are you? Let me listen."

Wu Zhanling didn't recognize Luo Cheng, she straightened her chest, raised her eyebrows, and said proudly: "My father's name is Wu Sheng, who is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, my mother's name is Du Juan, and she works in the Women's Federation, and my eldest brother..."

"Just tell me about your achievements!" Luo Cheng interrupted her impatiently.

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