Wu Zhanling suddenly blushed.

Luo Cheng held his crutches with both hands, "You are so powerful, your achievements must be higher than those of your parents."

Of course Feng Qingyun would not miss this opportunity to squeeze on Wu Zhanling, and said with a smile: "Yes, Comrade Wu Zhanling, we all want to know your achievements, it is your achievements and your glory."

"Don't you want to know about my family? Why are you asking me? The family structure of our family is not decided by me alone." Wu Zhanling responded quickly, "We are a diplomatic family, and Zhan Peng will also be the best diplomat in the future. , it’s not something you, a singer, can reach! Be wise and get away from me immediately, and don’t pester my brother.”

Feng Qingyun put her hands on her chest, looking frightened, "From a diplomatic family, I'm so scared!"

"I'm so scared! So scared!" Lu Erxiong rushed over excitedly, looking Wu Zhanling up and down with his big eyes, then turned to Feng Qingxue and said: "Mom, come and see, we are from a diplomatic family!"

Before Feng Qingxue had time to answer, Luo Cheng said angrily: "How many years has it been since the founding of the People's Republic of China? In his early twenties, from a far-fetched diplomatic family! Wu Sheng, Xiao Wushan'ao, two legs just pulled out of the mud, I don’t even know when he became a nobleman! When did aristocratic families and aristocrats become the stuff of the old society?”

Except for Tang Jie, a capitalist lady with a better background, Luo Cheng's other daughters-in-law are ordinary people, ordinary in all aspects, and Luo Cheng never lets his family think of themselves as the son of a famous family member.

noble? Luo Cheng sneered.

He likes the Lu family, and he likes Lu Jiang the most. Now that he is considered successful, the Lu family still says that they are an ordinary family. Whether they treat people with higher status or ordinary people, their attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, and they treat everyone equally.

Of course, everyone in the Lu family, at least from the oldest generation, respects the older generation of revolutionaries.

This mentality is really rare.

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, Wu Zhanling said angrily: "Who are you? I didn't talk to you, why did you interrupt?"

A middle-aged woman and a young woman following Wu Zhanling pulled on Wu Zhanling's lapel at the same time. The former whispered: "Zhanling, the old comrade is followed by a few guards."

Wu Zhanling was stunned. The guards following Luo Cheng had already rushed to Luo Cheng's side and put themselves in a protective position.

At this moment, Wu Zhanling finally calmed down and her expression changed.

Feng Qingxue left Dundun and Zhuangzhuang behind and walked to Feng Qingyun, "Xiaoyun, what's going on?"

She heard everything, but pretended not to hear it. Wu Zhanpeng's image in his heart was once again reduced. In addition to having a mother with eyes above her head, it seemed that she also had an equally bitter sister.

Lu Jiang didn't have time to elaborate yesterday, but he bumped into it today. God's arrangement was really thoughtful.

Feng Qingyun turned her head and replied: "We were walking peacefully, and suddenly an aunt from a diplomatic family rushed out and said her name was Wu Zhanling. She pointed at my nose and said I was wishful thinking."

"Young lady from a diplomatic family, let me take a look!" Feng Qingxue turned her head and looked at Wu Zhanling for a few times, then suddenly sighed.

"Sister, why are you sighing?" Feng Qingyun asked curiously.

Feng Qingxue said softly: "If the children of a diplomatic family are like this, high-minded, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, and mean, I really feel sad for our country."

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