"My dad gave me books and stationery for my baby!"

"A toy my dad gave to the baby!"

"The candies and biscuits my dad gave to the baby."

"The baby's sister's dress, doll, and hairpins. Dad said the baby's sister has grown up."

"Toys and candies for the baby's other younger siblings. My father said that the baby should have other younger siblings because your country values ​​having more children and grandchildren, so he prepared some gifts. I admire his foresight."

"Belts and wallets are for the baby's grandparents and other male family members. There are several of each."

"Wine for all your family."

"Feng, my father entrusted my mother to prepare perfume, leather bags, silk scarves, little black dresses, jewelry, watches and cosmetics for you. These are every woman's favorite. My mother especially likes them. She thinks you will like them. However, I have to give some to grandma, because we were not prepared enough and did not prepare a gift for grandma. I am really sorry.”

Wang Cuilan waved her hand and said with a smile: "Give it all to Xiaoxue, I don't want it. Why do I need these things at such an old age?" What perfumes, cosmetics, scarves and skirts, you don't need any of them, okay?

"However, thank you and your parents." Wang Cuilan said.

Feng Qingxue acted as a translator, and Kristine gave Wang Cuilan a bottle of perfume, a silk scarf, and a set of cosmetics. "Beauty has no age, and everyone has the right to pursue beauty."

Wang Cuilan had no choice but to accept it and give it to Feng Qingxue later. She really didn't need it anyway.

Kristine took out the gift box containing the overseas remittance coupons from her bag again, "This is for you too, Feng. My friends and I gave it to each other. My dad said that giving this would make people happier than anything else."

I have collected so many things and don’t care about this small box.

Feng Qingxue said thank you and accepted it calmly, thinking secretly about what kind of return gift she would prepare to take back to Kristen when she left, and how to make Kristen feel at home in the coming time.

"Okay, my mission is completed, I have nothing to take it easy. Lu, Bao Bao, Little Bear, and my beautiful little sister, cute little brother, and Guan, let's go out and take pictures together!" Kristen picked her up! My own camera, "The red gate in the snow is so beautiful, and the paintings on it. I want to take a photo of it. We need to take a group photo to commemorate it."

"That's Grandpa Lu's house, we can go in and play!" Xibao said.

"Really? That's great. I really want to see the interior of such a building, but it's a pity that many places are inaccessible."

Feng Qingxue had to follow her. She was the last one to go out. Before going out, she said to Lu Jiang: "You make a list of the gifts you received today and hand them in. We can accept them only after they are approved. Can we accept these things?" Do you have to hand it in?"

According to regulations, all gifts given to each other by heads of state must be nationalized. Most of the gifts received by leaders are handled in this way. Only things such as food are distributed to everyone around them upon receipt. Although the officials and staff did not reach that high level, Feng Qingxue was still a little worried, worried that accepting it would cause criticism.

Many of the gifts Christine brought were very precious. Jewelry and watches were quite famous international luxury brands.

Lu Jiang smiled and said: "The report must be made. Accepting gifts privately will be punished, but it does not go as far as handing it over. It is just a private gift, not a gift between heads of state. And don't we also have to prepare gifts in return?"

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