"Yes, in return for the gift, you have to get a receipt. We need to prepare the return gift." Feng Qingxue remembered.

Gift porcelain, Fenjiu Moutai, handicrafts, etc. are all great gifts for the occasion and cannot be bought by yourself.

"Leave it all to me. The country won't have any difficulties when dealing with foreign friends." The Lu family has no overseas relations. They only made a few foreign friends after the founding of the People's Republic of China and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The country treats foreign guests very politely.

In fact, sometimes it’s quite contradictory to think about it.

Many people with overseas connections have suffered, but the country has given preferential treatment to foreign guests, overseas Chinese, and compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao in many policies. In order to obtain foreign exchange, it has also issued overseas remittance coupons. Isn't this contradictory?

I can't think about it, I think too much.

Lu Jiang quickly finished what his wife told him to do, got the approval slip, and could go to the Friendship Store to buy things.

As expected, the relevant departments did not nationalize the gift Christine gave to the Lu family. They only told Lu Jiang that he could accept it but not use it because it was a capitalist luxury product and socialists could not be corrupted by capitalism.

Lu Jiang smiled and said, "Don't worry, we know the pros and cons."

Apart from food and books, their family had no intention of using them in the first place. Which of the perfumes, jewelry, and scarves were not targets of attack?

Lu Jiang returned home with the approval slip, and Kristine was drinking tea with her family. She was sweating profusely and happily playing with all the children in the family, as if she had just come back from outside.

There was a Kang and a fire pot in the main bedroom. The room was very warm, so Kristen opened her cotton coat generously. She wore a black and white cashmere dress underneath, with a necklace hanging around her neck. Wearing a pendant with broken diamonds surrounded by drop-shaped large diamonds, it is brilliant and eye-catching.

Kristine herself is good at talking, has a graceful manner, and her whole person shines like a diamond.

Fu Bao was so envious that he whispered in Feng Qingxue's ear: "Mom, sister Kristine is so beautiful. She gave me two beautiful skirts. Can I wear them?"

Skirt, she had her own skirt for the first time.

One red and one pink, they look better than the photos taken by others wearing bragi and cheongsam.

Feng Qingxue hugged her and said seriously: "No. Fubao, the country does not allow skirts to be worn now, and neither adults nor children can wear them. You see, no one is wearing them outside, right? So, you can't wear them either and let others see them. , our family will be in big trouble."

Seeing her daughter's disappointed expression, Feng Qingxue whispered in her ear: "But you can wear it to show your parents at night."

Fu Bao retracted the tears that almost rolled out. He was so happy that he pointed at Lu Jiang who came in, "Dad is back. Let's go to dinner quickly. The roast duck Grandpa Luo invited us to eat is delicious. Let's invite him." Sister Christine eats!”

Come back early after dinner, so that in the evening, she can wear a beautiful dress.

"Yes! Delicious roast duck!" After being tired from playing, Kristen became hungry, "Roast duck, here I come!"

The family moved to Quanjude and ordered a whole duck feast in advance, which was served quickly.

Seeing the master slicing off 108 pieces of duck meat from a duck, with neat movements, the knife was flying, and the light of the knife almost turned into light and shadow, Kristen admired it so much, "Wow, Chinese Kung Fu!"

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