Everyone smiled immediately after hearing this.

Lu Erxiong jumped off the chair and said hummingly: "This is Chinese Kung Fu, that one is not!"

Kristine immediately said: "Little Bear, you are so awesome!"

Lu Erxiong puffed up his chest, feeling extremely proud.

Feng Qingxue greeted: "Er Xiong, stop being skinned and go back to the chair and sit down. Christine, the duck rack has been taken down to make soup. You can try the sliced ​​duck meat first."

After speaking, she gave a demonstration first.

It's a pity that Kristen doesn't know how to use chopsticks. Seeing everyone rolling duck meat with lotus leaf pancakes, she can only hold the lotus leaf pancakes in one hand and chopsticks in the other hand while doing it anxiously, because she can't hold the duck with the skin on the plate at all. Meat.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Christine was so anxious that she was sweating after messing up the duck meat on the plate.

"Here you go!" Lu Tianzhi was closest to her, sighed, and handed the rolled up piece to her.

Seeing this, Feng Qingxue silently took back the duck rolls she prepared for Christine and handed it to Dundun. Xibao and Fubao could fend for themselves. The triplets, with Dundun as the leader, naturally gave it to him first, and then to Dundun. Next up are Erxiong and Zhuangzhuang.

"Thank you, Lu, you are such a good person!"

In the evening, holding the scallion pancakes packaged with oil paper by the good people, Kristen waved to the Lu Jiang family who had sent her back and stood by the car. She was still jumping up and down on the way back to the room. It's too late to dance.

"Helen, Edward, you guys come out quickly and enjoy the delicious food. If you are late, you will be gone."

Kristen shouted, and her companions walked out of their rooms one after another, gathered in Kristen's room, looked at the paper bag on the table curiously, and immediately sniffed, "It smells so good!"

"What's delicious?" Helen asked, grabbing a paper bag and opening it.

Kristen gave the others to her friends and kept one for herself, "Scallion pancakes, delicious scallion pancakes. I made a new good friend. The scallion pancakes he made, I brought them back as soon as they came out of the pan."

What makes Kristen happy the most is that Lu Tianzhi included her when he was making it, so she could continue to eat it in her mouth.

Edward took a bite and his eyes lit up, "It's delicious!"

"Yes, it's so delicious, with a crispy texture!" Edward's eyes also lit up.

Of course it's delicious, and the Lu family's cooking uses plenty of ingredients, even state-owned restaurants can't compare to it, not to mention they've been eating Western food.

Helen also ate with big mouthfuls, and saw Christine taking off her cotton-padded clothes to reveal the necklace around her neck. It was not the Cartier diamond pendant and platinum necklace before, but a green, shiny and exceptionally transparent plain square card tied with a red rope.

"Kristen, did you change your necklace?" sharp-eyed Helen said vaguely.

There was nothing she could do about it, her mouth was filled with scallion pancakes.

Kristine touched the tag, remembering what Feng Qingxue told her when he gave it to her, and said with a smile: "Yes, the diamond pendant is too small compared to this one, this is a safe and sound tag made of jade, to keep it safe. "

It didn’t say who sent it, or why it was changed.

Helen looked at it for a moment and said, "It looks better than your diamond pendant."

"I like it very much. It matches my clothes very well and has a beautiful meaning." Kristen glanced down and continued to eat her scallion pancake. What should I do if the more she ate, the more she wanted to eat?

Seeing that there was less than half a palm-sized scallion pancake left, Kristen felt that she should continue to be good friends with Lu Tianzhi!

It was decided happily.

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