While Christine and her friends were eating scallion pancakes, Lu Jiang, his wife and Xibao returned home smoothly.

The gifts Bernard gave them, except for some original books and candies, had to be shelved. The belts and wallets given to Mr. Lu Jiang were not needed, and neither Lu's father nor Lu Tianzhi could even take them. She didn't take it, so she let Feng Qingxue keep it for them. Only Fu Bao was thinking about her skirt, and the beautiful doll had no appeal to her.

She didn't like it, but the triplets liked it very much. They rolled on the kang to grab the doll and almost started a fight. In the end, Lu Erxiong and Zhuangzhuang were taught a lesson by Xibao, and then the triplets took turns playing, calling their sister constantly, and kept calling their sister when they slept. Tuck the doll into the bed and hug it to sleep.

After his younger brother had gone to bed and his elder brother had gone to his grandfather's room, Fu Bao jumped up and rushed into his parents' room.

"Mom, I want to wear a skirt!"

Feng Qingxue was opening the gift box when she saw a thick stack of one hundred yuan remittance coupons inside. Before she could express her surprise, she was startled by her eager daughter.

"You kid, why are you so anxious?" Feng Qingxue couldn't help but hit her lightly.

Fu Bao, who climbed onto the kang and knelt down next to her, looked up with a smile and said impatiently: "Mom, let me try it!"

Lu Jiang came in with foot-washing water. Hearing these words, he said inexplicably: "Good girl, what are you trying?"

"Skirts! Two skirts that Bernard gave to Fu Bao. When she saw the skirts Kristen was wearing, your daughter was so jealous that she wanted to wear them too." She has been pretty since she was a child, and she still hasn't changed her appearance now.

Fu Bao immediately said: "Mom said, I can wear it for my parents to see."

It's all caused by this era. Even Bragi, which was popular more than ten years ago, can't be worn. Lu Jiang felt very distressed, "My dear, we are not in a hurry. When you grow up, your parents will buy you a skirt. We will buy it for you in a day." Change it up and don’t wear the same one every day.”

"How long do we have to wait?" Fubao asked.

Lu Jiang counted the time and found that he was slowly getting better after the catastrophe, but he would have to go into the 1980s if he wanted everyone to have a skirt. Their family couldn't be too unique. "In six years, Six years later, our Fu Bao will be in his golden years. Wearing a red dress, he will look as graceful as your mother. "

"Six years is a long time. I want to wear a red dress now." Christine's parents gave her one.

"Okay, okay!"

Fu Bao has white skin, black hair, picturesque eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and is as graceful as a flower.

"It's beautiful. My daughter is beautiful!" Lu Jiang was full of praises. He didn't care about the fact that the skirt was one size too big and didn't fit her daughter. He turned back to look at his wife who had her feet soaked in the tub, "Wife, are you right? ?”

Feng Qingxue nodded, "Are you cold, Fubao? Change out quickly. When the weather warms up, you can wear them for your parents to see."

"Mom, it's not cold on the kang." Fu Bao couldn't bear to take it off.

"Good girl, listen to your mother and you will have beautiful dresses to wear when you grow up."

Fu Bao sighed, changed his clothes obediently, and ran to Wang Cuilan's room to sleep with her.

Feng Qingxue wiped her feet, returned to the kang and put the box containing overseas remittance coupons into the space. Overseas remittance coupons are good things. A capital remittance coupon with a denomination of 100 yuan is equivalent to twenty kilograms of food stamps, three kilograms of gas stamps, and purchase of goods. Twenty coupons and five kilograms of non-staple food coupons.

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