Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1492 Encounter on a narrow road 3

After listening to Du Juan's words, Feng Qingxue looked at Wu Zhanling who was frightened at first and then relied on her mother to rely on her. She smiled slightly and slowly rejected Du Juan in the proud eyes of Wu Zhanling's daughter, " Sorry, although we are from the countryside, we really don’t need that much money!”

"Do you know who my grandpa is? If I ask you to transfer a piece of cloth, I'm looking down on you!" The girl jumped up in anger, her tone was exactly the same as Wu Zhanling's.

Du Juan was rejected by Feng Qingxue, and her face looked ugly, so she did not stop her granddaughter.

Seeing Du Juan who indulged her granddaughter in this way, Feng Qingxue didn't want her sister to be related to Wu Zhanpeng, so she smiled sarcastically and said unceremoniously: "You don't even know who your grandfather is, so you ask me, an outsider What? However, I know that I really don’t care about you!”

The girl was furious, and Du Juan's ugly face became a little more angry, "What did you say?"

"Comrade Dujuan," Feng Qingxue called out the name. Seeing the other person's eyes widening in surprise, she said calmly: "What I mean is very simple. We bought this piece of material, and we have no obligation to give it to others. "

If you have a good relationship or the other party is polite, it is not difficult to give up a few feet of material, but the third generation of the cuckoo girl is too rude.

Du Juan couldn't help but look at her, "Who are you? Do you know me?" Ordinary people have no chance to know her.

Du Juan, who thought this way, never thought that her husband did not reach the sky in one step, but walked step by step. They had also traveled here and there with the army, had been hungry, and had lived in the market. She only remembered She is the wife of Minister ***, and she only remembers the senior cadres she saw in front of her.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I know what to do and what not to do."

After saying this, Feng Qingxue called her two nephews, "Tianzhi, Ayu, let's go home, otherwise the two bears will have a quarrel at home." He quickly took the ingredients back to make his daughter happy.

"Okay, Auntie!"

The two brothers immediately followed her, and Lu Tianzhi did not forget to say to her: "Aunt, our sewing machine is at home, and making clothes is so tiring. When we get home, find a tailor to make one. You can make one, and Fubao can make one. , the day after the Chinese New Year will be warm enough to wear.”

"Make one for Fubao and keep the rest. You may not be able to find such good materials when you marry your wife."

The satin and woolen materials of this era were of extremely hard quality and would not deteriorate after decades of storage. They looked little different from new ones.

Feng Qingxue did not consider giving it to Jiang Xiaoyue and Zhong Wenxiu, nor did she consider giving it to Feng Qingyun. They wore military uniforms every day. If they were given it, they could only put it at the bottom of the box, because red clothes were usually difficult to wear out.

"Aunt, you don't want to do it?" Guan Yu frowned. Auntie hasn't made new clothes for several years.

"Now that the country's economy is in dire straits, it's enough to have enough clothes to wear. There's no need to keep chasing new clothes." Feng Qingxue smiled slightly. Fubao was an exception. It's okay for children to dress brightly. "Your uncle Hu Ping's daughter from the Northeast will be here tomorrow." She is eighteen years old this year, and her marriage will only last for a year or two. I will send her a piece of material to use as a new dress for the wedding. "

The content and sounds of the conversation became farther and farther away as they left. Wu Zhanling's daughter raised her foot to catch up. She had not achieved her goal, so how could she be willing to do so?

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