Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1493 Encounter on a narrow road 4

That piece of red wool is so beautiful. Wu Zhanling’s daughter has never seen such a beautiful material.

The red and blue plaid on her body is already a rare commodity. She bought it from Shanghai No. 1 Department Store. It is also the most fashionable style in Shanghai. But compared with the big red woolen plaid, it immediately fell behind. It was simply A world of difference.

When Du Juan saw Feng Qingxue's face and heard what she said, she knew she was not simple. She frowned slightly and said, "Zhan Ling, why are you standing there stunned? Don't let Jiaojiao follow."

Wu Zhanling grabbed her daughter Du Jiaojiao before Du Juan reminded her.

"Grandma!" Du Jiaojiao stamped her feet angrily.

"Why are you in a hurry? I'll go back and ask who she is. Your grandpa and I will go to her door to ask for it in person. I don't believe that their family won't give your grandpa face!" Du Juan said very confidently. Since her husband became the Ministry of Foreign Affairs three years ago, Minister, I have been enjoying a life of stars and stars, and no one will deny me face.

Du Jiaojiao's expression softened, "Grandma, you keep your word. That piece of material is really beautiful."

"Of course I keep my word." Because his son and daughter-in-law did not allow him to take care of his grandson, Du Juan loved his granddaughter especially. Another reason was that his son-in-law Du Jianguo happened to have the same surname as him, which made him even closer.

The salesperson selling fabrics said weakly: "I also have a piece of bright red wool here!"

Although it was an imported product, the quantity was small, and the number allocated to this friendship store was very limited. Two pieces were taken away by someone with connections, but it was not just one piece of material.

After hearing what the salesperson said, the salesperson selling ready-made clothes next to him burst into laughter.

The faces of Du Juan and Wu Zhanling, mother and daughter, suddenly turned green and white, extremely ugly.

"Do you still want to buy it?" The salesperson took out the material. The bright red color was exactly the same as the one Feng Qingxue bought. "This material is not cheap. It costs at least fifty or sixty yuan to make a coat."

Dujuan scowled, "Buy, buy four feet!"

Not to mention how the three of them paid for the coupons, Feng Qingxue and her mother had already left the Friendship Store. Feng Qingxue went straight to the grain and oil store to queue up and asked the two children to send the purchased items home and bring back grain bags and oil barrels. .

Ten remittance coupons can buy 200 kilograms of grain and 30 kilograms of oil.

Although it was not early in the morning, the queue at the entrance of the grain store was still very long. Everyone was holding a container of grain. Because of the severe cold weather, many people in thin clothes stomped their feet to keep warm.

The wind and snow were falling behind, and suddenly I heard a quarrel coming from the front, a male voice and a female voice.

"You damn boy, get out of here. I'm your biological sister-in-law, and my elder sister-in-law is like my mother. How could you treat your mother like this? What's wrong with me using food stamps to buy things? Should I leave it to you to eat in restaurants every day?"

Feng Qingxue looked around and saw a very tall and thin man holding tightly the food stamps he had snatched from the middle-aged woman's hand.

"This is my food stamp! You have your food supply, why are you stealing mine?"

The middle-aged woman suddenly became furious, "What are you stealing? Keep your mouth clean!"

This man, who is in his thirties, said every word, "You took advantage of me when I was drunk and took the food stamps issued to me from the factory. If you take it without asking, you are a thief!"

"That's because I don't want to see you extravagant and wasteful, going out to restaurants every day!" The middle-aged woman argued, "When I buy food, the whole family can eat it, and it's not like I won't deny it to you!"

As soon as I heard that Hanzi went to restaurants every day, many people pointed fingers.

. . . There was an accident at home. Before I went to the hospital, I wrote more than 8,000 words but didn't have time to edit or post it. But I just added some content, so I can only update a little bit first and continue to update it tonight. Apologize prostratingly.

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