The middle-aged woman repeated the words "Tian Tianxia Restaurant" again and again, and most people became disgusted with the man.

Feng Qingxue did not draw a conclusion immediately, but listened carefully to the discussions of the men, women, and children lining up around her.

If they buy food from the same food store, they must all belong to the same street, and they will naturally know each other.

Soon, Feng Qingxue heard someone in front of her say in a moderate voice: "Isn't that Shi Guantao? I had an argument with his sister-in-law again. I have to argue every ten days and a half. It's not annoying enough."

"Do you know them?"

"Why don't you know them? Their family lives next door to our courtyard."

"What about the quarrel between the two of them? It's also strange that the sister-in-law and the brother-in-law quarreled."

"If you ask me, if Shi Guantao is more cruel, he should drive out his brother, sister-in-law, and the whole family to avoid quarreling every day."

"what's up?"

"His sister-in-law Liu Guixiang is greedy! Although we all can't stand Shi Guantao's behavior in Tiantianxia Restaurant, but he is an old bachelor, and his family is doing nothing but eating in the cafeteria. Why can't he go to the restaurant if he doesn't eat in the cafeteria? Anyway, it's not like he has no money or tickets. . It’s his sister-in-law who always wants to use Shi Guantao’s wages and food stamps to spend with the whole family. Isn’t this a grudge?”

"Why don't the whole family eat together? Why don't you and I eat separately?"

The middle-aged woman who knew the situation at Shi Guantao's family shook her head and whispered: "Eat together? It's easy to say, but difficult to do. It would be great if Shi Guantao allows his brother and sister-in-law to live in his home. There are twelve children! They still want to eat his flowers, how can there be such a beautiful thing? Shi Guantao will not marry a wife in the future?"

After hearing this, the person who asked the question became more interested and couldn't help but continue to ask. Feng Qingxue also learned the general situation.

This Shi Guantao was a retired soldier, working at a police station, and was still a deputy director. He had been back for several years after returning from the job. His salary level was not low, and his treatment was good. Many people tried to match him, just because his habit of going to restaurants all over the world failed.

Some people advised him to get rid of his gluttony and drink, marry a wife and live a good life, but he refused to change.

"It seems that he really can't change. I guess he was very hungry before and all he could think about was eating and drinking. Because of this, the police station criticized him many times and said that he refused to change despite repeated admonitions." The middle-aged woman who said this incident sighed. He took a breath and said, "Fortunately, apart from being greedy for food and drink, Shi Guantao has no other problems, and he has a good reputation. Everyone turns a blind eye, and it is because he has no share in the promotion."

Shi Guantao left after grabbing the food stamps, and his sister-in-law left the team because she was bored, but Feng Qingxue listened with interest.

Whether it is in the military compound, in the market, or in the countryside, it seems to be the nature of women to gossip, and they can always learn about the secrets of each family from everyone's gossip.

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu pushed the one-wheeled trolley over. Seeing their aunt listening attentively, they couldn't help but smile.

In addition to bags of grain and cans of oil, there was also a little boy wrapped up like a bear on the cart.

"Er Xiong? Why did you follow him out?" Feng Qingxue asked in surprise.

"Mom!" Lu Erxiong jumped out of the car, grabbed his mother's lapel, pouted, and said aggrievedly: "Grandpa and brother took brother Dundun and Zhuangzhuang out to play, but they didn't take me with them and didn't love me at all. !”

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