After hearing Lu Erxiong's accusation, Lu Tianzhi couldn't help but said: "Aren't you too cold to go out and wanted to paint with your sister at home? If you hadn't put the paint on your sister's painting, you were afraid of being beaten. , will you come out with us?"

"That's right, Lu Erxiong, you can't lie." Guan Yu said from the side.

Lu Erxiong stuck out his tongue and made a face, ignored Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu, and only acted coquettishly towards Feng Qingxue.

"Why are you causing trouble for your sister again? Your sister should really give you a beating." Feng Qingxue touched the hat on his head, "You also said that your grandpa won't take you out to play, your brother Tianzhi and your brother Guanyu Didn’t I take you out? Stand still and don’t run around, or I won’t be able to find you when I turn around.”

"I know, I know!" Lu Erxiong stood on tiptoes and looked forward, "Mom, mom, there are one, two, three, four, five, six and seven others. It's your turn. Let's buy food and go home to make rice, okay? I want to eat it. Fried rice, fried rice with eggs.”

"Okay!" It's been a long time since we had fried rice at home.

Lu Erxiong's request was met, and he put his little hand into Feng Qingxue's palm and lined up with her.

A young woman in the queue behind them saw that he was extremely cute with a tiger-like head, and couldn't help but ask: "How old is this child this year? He looks really good."

Feng Qingxue turned around and smiled, "I just celebrated my fourth birthday."

"That's five years old, so chubby!" The young woman wearing a floral gown had eyes full of envy.

fat? Feng Qingxue lowered her head and looked at Son Xiong.

In fact, Dundun and Lu Erxiong started to eat strips after they were three or four years old. Dundun lost weight naturally. Just like Xibao, Lu Erxiong lost weight a little slower. Who told him to eat more?

Although he is a little fatter than the average child, he is not as fat as he was when he was a child, and his double chin is almost gone.

But in the eyes of others, he is just fat, so fat that people envy him.

Feng Qingxue chatted with the young woman for a while, and then it was her turn. She quickly handed over the money and overseas remittance coupons, "One hundred catties of white flour, one hundred catties of rice." They were all fine grains.

The staff at the grain store were very clever. They cut off the grain stamps on the overseas remittance coupons, collected the money, gave the change, and immediately weighed the grain.

Two hundred kilograms of grain were packed into four cloth bags, and Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu hurriedly stacked them on the cart. Although it attracted many envious looks, no one was too surprised, because many families bought grain on a per-household basis. , families with a large population naturally buy a lot of grain, and almost the whole family, old and young, goes out to transport hundreds of kilograms of grain home.

I bought food and oil, but instead of sanitary oil, I used 20 pounds of peanut oil and 10 pounds of rapeseed oil.

Sanitary oil is cottonseed oil, and soybeans and peanuts are exported for foreign exchange, so the oil is so scarce. Seeing them pumping so much oil makes everyone jealous. It would take a family to save for several years to pump so much oil. .

Lu Tianzhi was pushing the trolley, and Guan Yu was holding the grain and oil cans on the trolley. They saw Kristine as soon as they arrived at the door of the house!

Christine waved to them without saying anything, "Feng, Lu, I'm here again, but there's no one at your house?"

"No one? How could there be no one?" Isn't Wang Cuilan at home with Fubao?

Feng Qingxue looked at the door, and it was indeed General Tie who was holding the door.

Christine smiled and said: "There is just no one!"

"I guess everyone in the family has gone out to play." Although the children were not allowed to go out without an adult, it would be different if an adult was with them. They would not be detained at home. Feng Qingxue opened the lock and said, "Sorry, Ke Christine, please come in."

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