Christine was enthusiastic and frank. She regarded the Lu family as good friends. When Feng Qingxue walked into the yard first, she lagged behind and came to Lu Tianzhi's side. While looking at the trolley, she whispered: "Lu Tianzhi" , is it possible for me to eat scallion pancakes today?”

It can be seen that the best-tempered ones in the Lu family are Lu Tianzhi and Dundun, but Dundun is too young and can't cook.

Looking sideways and seeing Christine's big eyes full of expectation, Lu Tianzhi nodded, "Do you like eating it so much? I'll make it in a minute. We just bought the flour with the overseas remittance coupon you gave to my aunt."

When it came to the overseas remittance coupons, Feng Qingxue entered the room and said to Christine: "The overseas remittance coupons you gave are too valuable. We spent part of them without rejecting your kindness. You can take the rest back. There are many places. It comes in handy.”

Christine shook her head and said: "We don't need it, we won't take it back. We usually eat Western food and don't use overseas remittance coupons. We only use a little when we go to the store to buy things, but many of the things we want to buy don't require this overseas remittance." We will go back soon if we don’t use the coupon. It will be wasted if we can’t use it. I gave it to you to make the best use of it.”

The last sentence she said in Chinese was not pronounced correctly and had a strange accent.

"But we deserve it, Christine. Your parents have already given us so many expensive gifts, and you give us such a remittance voucher." Feng Qingxue could hardly take it for granted.

"I'm not ashamed, I'm not ashamed, I should be!" Kristine waved her hands, rolled her eyes like the blue sky, and then said: "My dear, if you are guilty, then treat me to dinner, okay? Lu's cooking is very good. Eat, scallion pancakes, delicious!”

"That's no problem! Our family welcomes you every day, and we can treat you to dinner every day." Feng Qingxue agreed, "The rice I cook is also delicious. Today we are making dumplings. We have a saying called delicious But dumplings. Do you think I’ll make you some scallion pancakes to take back for dinner when you leave?”

Kristen clapped her hands, "Okay, okay!"

She took out the gifts she had brought from her bag, five boxes of brightly colored crayons. They were obviously given to the five children of the Lu family, rather than coming empty-handed. This made the Lu family feel very comfortable, including those who had returned. Lu’s father and grandson.

When Wang Cuilan and Fubao arrived, Lu Tianzhi was chopping dumpling fillings and Feng Qingxue was making noodles.

Seeing this, Wang Cuilan immediately rolled up her sleeves to help.

It's too late to buy meat now, and there are no meat tickets at home. Fortunately, there is a large bowl of mutton fat residue and a piece of fat mutton frozen in ice. Feng Qingxue got it two days ago under the guise of the black market.

Onion and mutton stuffing, full of oil and water.

Feng Qingxue originally wanted to use cabbage and mutton oil residue filling, but thinking that Christine likes to eat onions, she temporarily changed it to onions and made only a little dumplings filled with cabbage and mutton oil residue for the child to eat.

Watching the fat and white dumplings floating in the water, Christine's eyes widened.

Boil water three times until the dumplings are cooked.

Adults and children lined up with bowls in their hands. Feng Qingxue took a pickle to scoop out the dumplings. A pickle was a big bowl. If the bowl couldn't fit, they scooped them out onto a plate or an enamel rice bowl.

While he was busy, Lu Jiang brought people back.

"Qingxue, there are guests at home. I bought some cooked vegetables and steamed buns and sesame cakes. What did you cook at home?"

Hearing Lu Jiang's words, Feng Qingxue was stunned and handed over the task of catching dumplings to Lu Tianzhi. When she walked out of the kitchen, she saw Lu Jiang and Shi Guantao entering side by side, followed by guards carrying lunch boxes.

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