Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1501 Great-grandson of the Lu family 1

When Christine left, a small village at the foot of Xiaoxing'an Mountains received a letter and a large package.

"Comrade Director Hu, your letter, your package!" Seeing Hu Ping running, Xiao Liu, who is responsible for sending and receiving letters, shouted at the top of his voice, "It's from the capital! It's from the capital!"

Hu Pingyuan first worked in a forest farm and was later transferred to the Construction Corps. After ten years of hard work, he is now a cadre.

Although it belongs to the Corps, its name is a farm.

As soon as he heard that it was sent from the capital, Hu Ping thought of Lu Jiang and his wife, and hurried over to sign for it and take it back to their residence. Their hometown is near the farm. Now his son, daughter-in-law and daughter live in it, and his daughter-in-law Ma Cuixia lives with him in the farm.

"Did Comrade Lu Jiang's family send us something again? The things we prepared for them haven't been sent out yet!"

There has been no shortage of food these years, but the food sent by the Lu family in the early years has solved their urgent needs. They have been in contact with them all these years, and they can receive some rare goods every year.

We have never met in person, but our feelings are very deep.

Hu Ping opened the letter, "Lu Jiang is very busy. Comrade Qingxue sent it. He said that he made a foreign friend and got a lot of overseas remittance coupons. He asked if we needed anything. If we needed anything, he wrote to her and bought it for Let’s send it. Now I’ve bought some candies and cakes for us, a pile of fabric, and a large piece of red wool imported from Australia to make a coat for our daughter when she gets married!”

Ma Cuixia patted her thigh and said, "I have to thank her properly. She was so thoughtful and the timing of sending it is good. Our daughter will get married on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, less than a month ago. Let me see what is imported first. wool."

When they opened the package and took a look, the couple were shocked.

"It's so pretty, so red, and so soft to the touch. Our daughter will definitely like it!" Ma Cuixia touched it twice with her rough fingers and quickly took it back, "This material is not cheap, I'm so grateful!"

Although they don't have imported wool here, they have seen domestic wool, which is very expensive.

It's expensive, and the color is either black, gray, or navy blue, which is not as bright as this one.

Wear red or green to look good when getting married, and green is a green military uniform.

Hu Ping didn't remember the benefits of sending ginseng or game to the Lu family and mink skins. He only remembered the benefits to his family. He thought for a moment and said, "You and I will go home and pack up later, and send them the dried game we prepared." , I heard that it is not easy to eat meat in the city, unlike us who live in mountains and rivers. In addition, I will send another hundred yuan to Comrade Qingxue, please, please buy a Shanghai brand watch for our daughter, and add it to my son-in-law’s family. The sewing machine, bicycle, and radio I bought all work together after three turns.”

Hu Ping's family is in good condition, and his in-laws are not bad either, but it's hard to get a three-turn, one-ring ticket. After working hard for half a year, the other party only bought a sewing machine and an assembled radio and bicycle that didn't require tickets. There was no sign of a watch ticket.

Ma Cuixia hummed, took out a pack of candies and a pack of preserves from the package, and rewrapped the rest very carefully.

"We are divided into two groups. You take the package and go home. I will go to my parents' house. My brothers, brothers and nephews secretly got a lot of good things from the deep mountains and old forests. The former even shot a silly roe deer and several Snow Rabbit, I want some back and send them over.”

Lu Jiang and his wife have sent them things for so many years, and many of their brothers have benefited from it. Ma Cuixia said it righteously.

Of course, she would give money and would not take advantage of her brothers.

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