Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1502 Great-grandson of the Lu family 2

Ma Cuixia has four elder brothers and one younger brother. The five brothers have a total of twenty-three nephews. The eldest nephew is in his thirties, the oldest grandnephew is fifteen years old, and the youngest nephew is sixteen years old this year and is in school. , can be said to be a large family with a large number of people. As the only aunt in the family, her status in her natal family is self-evident.

Her brothers are kind, honest and capable people, and her nephews respect her very much. Several of her nephews rely on her and Hu Ping's financial support to go to school. Even if there is occasional discord between her aunt and sister-in-law, it is not a big deal to her.

Ma Cuixia was calculating how much game and mountain products she could buy with the money in her pocket, and she felt something strange as soon as she entered her eldest brother's house.

The whole family was in a state of sadness.

"Xiaoxia is here? Come and sit on the kang yourself. Don't ask me to greet you." Boss Ma, who was sitting cross-legged on the kang and smoking, moved his butt to the side, his bronze face full of grooves full of bitterness.

"Brother, what happened at home? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Ma Cuixia asked.

Sister-in-law Ma was sitting on the kang, wiping her tears. Seeing Ma Cuixia was like seeing a savior, "His aunt, see if your uncle can find someone to help with this matter."

Ma Cuixia was anxious, "What is going on? Sister-in-law, tell me."

"It's Xiao Shuanzi." Sister-in-law Ma choked up, "Yesterday your eldest brother was having dinner at the party secretary's house, and little Shuanzi was playing with him. I don't know what happened, but he got into a fight with the party secretary's grandson Tiezhu. It's not a big deal for children to fight. , but these two children knocked over the kang table, and the kerosene lamp on the kang table fell over and fell on a wool blanket, burning a large piece! "

Ma Cuixia was stunned, "It's just burning a wool blanket, how can it be such a big deal? It makes you all look sad?"

Sister-in-law Ma couldn't help but said: "That's a woolen blanket bought in the capital! I bought it in a department store. His new son-in-law bought it for his daughter Ma Xiaoling. It was just delivered yesterday and he took it with him as a dowry when he went out! His wife, the branch secretary's wife He took it out to show off and put it on the kang. Who knew that these two boys were so naughty that they caused such a big disaster? Ma Xiaoling sat on the ground and cried loudly. We had to pay for it. We have the same money now, but we don’t. Several families also came out, but they couldn't buy the same wool blanket. The boss and his wife went to the city and found that we don't have such products here. "

Boss Ma knocked the cigarette pouch in his hand against the edge of the kang, knocking off the ash, "Xiaoxia, Ma Xiaoling's wedding is scheduled for the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, which is the same day as our Xiaoman. Xiaoman's father has many friends, and she My aunt is married to a cadre who is a soldier. Please ask them if they can ask someone to buy the same woolen blanket. The money will be paid by our family. "

Ma Cuixia immediately thought of Feng Qingxue. She said in the letter that the Friendship Store has all kinds of products, including the overseas remittance coupons. She asked them what they needed. They wanted to buy a watch for their daughter before, so they should be able to buy it. To a wool blanket?

"Brother, sister-in-law, Hu Ping really has such a friend. He is in the capital now. He should be able to buy the wool blanket you mentioned."

The eyes of Boss Ma and Sister-in-law Ma immediately burst out with hope. Sister-in-law Ma directly pulled her and asked: "His aunt, is it true? Really? Money is not a problem, just buy us a wool blanket! Your eldest brother I have been doing my job honestly all my life, and I don’t want to call the party secretary’s wife by name every day because of this when I’m old!”

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