Wucheng still belongs to Hebei Province and is located to the northwest of the capital. The distance from the capital is about the same as the distance between Baozhou and the capital.

Because Feng Qingxue was in the middle of her studies, she didn't take her children with her immediately. Instead, she sent a telegram to her hometown to inform her family of the news, asking them not to use their previous contact address with Lu Jiang.

Jiang Xiaoyue was out of confinement at this time and was taken to the army compound by Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun already has a nanny at home, and Jiang Yun is followed by guards when he comes in and out, so he can take good care of the child. This is what the father and daughter have planned for a long time. When Jiang Xiaoyue returns to the army after her maternity leave, she and Lu Tianjun can also come back often. look after baby.

Lu Chen drank milk powder, and Jiang Xiaoyue didn't have to come back to nurse during the day.

Although the children of the Lu family should live in the Lu family, Feng Qingxue is not Jiang Xiaoyue's biological mother-in-law. She has to go to school and has several children who need her care. She is too busy to take care of herself. Jiang Xiaoyue will not take it for granted. She asked Feng Qingxue to raise a child for her husband and wife. She felt that whoever gave birth to the child should raise it, instead of forcing her responsibilities onto her elders.

Other dual-income families can raise their children well, and so can they.

After Jiang Xiaoyue and her son left, Wang Cuilan fired the temporary nanny. During the day, Feng Qingxue and her daughter went to school. She only had to take care of the triplets. Washing clothes and cooking were all trivial matters for her. Son.

When Chen Xueniang came to visit, she found Dundun and Lu Erxiong playing in the mud in the yard, while Zhuangzhuang was sitting under the pomegranate tree reading a little book.

In fact, it was Lu Erxiong who played with Dundun and made a crooked tank and cannon.

"Dundun is such a good brother!" The conduct of the five children is impeccable. If we talk about kindness and kindness, Dundun should be the first.

Wang Cuilan walked out of the kitchen when she heard the sound. She tied an apron around her waist and rubbed her wet hands on the apron. "Aren't you going to work today? Xiaoxue and Fu Bao went to school early in the morning."

Chen Xueniang smiled and said: "I have gone through the retirement procedures and can come and play with you every day."

Wang Cuilan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then thought that Chen Xueniang was already over fifty this year, and couldn't help but said: "Time flies so fast, and before we know it, we are all old."

"Yes, time is not forgiving." Chen Xueniang felt the same way.

Just as Wang Cuilan was about to say something, the security guard of Lu Shuai's house knocked on the door between the two houses, "Is Comrade Qingxue at home? If not, Comrade Cuilan will answer the phone. She is from Huaihai City."

Wang Cuilan didn't have time to ask who made the call and entrusted Chen Xueniang to take care of the child. She hurriedly followed.

"Telephone? Grandpa? Big brother?" Lu Erxiong jumped up, ignoring his dirty muddy hands, and shouted after him, "Grandma, wait for me, I want to talk to grandpa, I want to talk to big brother!"

Wang Cuilan stood still and waited for him for a while, then took him with her.

Lu Shuai was chatting with the other party in the room. When he saw Wang Cuilan, he smiled and said: "Comrade Cuilan is here, you two chat, I will take Er Xiong to wash his hands. Er Xiong, let's go, grandpa will get you some fruit to eat."

Lu Erxiong gave up the call without hesitation. The biggest reason was that he knew from Lu Shuai's words that the caller was Cheng Baoguo.

Wang Cuilan shook her head and took the microphone handed over by Lu Shuai, "Hey, Baoguo, why are you looking for Xiaoxue?"

"It's a good thing." Cheng Baoguo's smiling voice sounded from the other end.

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