Wang Cuilan asked what the good thing was, and Cheng Baoguo smiled and said, "Didn't the second brother, grandsons and grandsons come back last month? My second brother and Comrade Zhengguo took Xibao to pay homage to Master Shan. What do you think happened?"

"What's the matter? Don't be nagging, just tell me." Isn't it a good thing?

Cheng Baoguo smiled and said, "The hilltop near Master Shan fell due to heavy rain last year. When Xibao was tired, he rested with his second brother and Comrade Zhengguo halfway. He took the small shovel he carried with him to shovel the mother-in-law Ding beside him. He said that this heat-clearing It can be used as medicine to detoxify. It just rained a little and the soil was soft. The shovel dug deeper into the soil and brought up a large piece of soil. Guess what? "

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't make me guess!" Wang Cuilan was eager to know what happened, her voice full of complaints.

Cheng Baoguo stopped talking and said: "I heard from Comrade Zhengguo that there was a bang when the shovel hit something hard, and it made a sound like the collision of iron tools. At that time, I thought there might be something like scrap iron cannon skins buried underneath. "You can sell it to the scrapyard, and then let Xibao dig it up, and he found a tin box."

Wang Cuilan was stunned and asked, "What's in the box?"

As we all know, Xibao is lucky, and the things in the box must not be simple.

"A box of gold!" Cheng Baoguo replied.

"What? Gold?"


Wang Cuilan immediately opened her mouth. A box of gold? What concept? Even a box of gold is valuable. After all, gold is small and heavy. One tael of gold is about the size of the belly of a finger, and a 10-tael large yellow croaker is about the same size as an index finger.

Cheng Baoguo didn't even have to think about it. His wife must be extremely surprised now. She smiled and said, "It's really gold. It's of excellent quality, and it's also a gold ingot. I heard from the second brother that it should be officially cast in the late Qing Dynasty. Comrade Zhengguo and the second brother are together." In total, he brought this box of gold directly to me with Xibao to hand it over to the country."

"Don't you give me some reward?" There is precedent for Wang Cuilan asking this. In the early years, there were old farmers who found gold lumps and other things and handed them over to the state, and the state gave them rewards.

Compared to that golden lump, a box of gold is worth much more.

"Why didn't you give it?" Cheng Baoguo immediately sought benefits for his brother's family and held a meeting with the cadres of the municipal party committee, because a box of gold weighed one hundred and eight kilograms. According to the current bank gold purchase price, not to mention eight kilograms. If it is just over 100 yuan, at eight yuan per gram, this gold must be worth more than 400,000 yuan. As for its historical significance, it is worthless at this time and is not worth mentioning.

Who can remain calm in the face of such value? At that time, the municipal party committee team was so excited that several veteran cadres almost lost their breath.

Xibao discovered the gold, Lu's father was his biological grandfather, and Wang Zhengguo was his uncle, but neither of them wanted to take credit for it. So Cheng Baoguo asked Xibao on behalf of everyone what he wanted, and they gave him a certain reward on behalf of the country.

"Can you give our team a tractor?" Xibao replied at that time.

Whether he is with his parents or the old man and his wife, Xibao does not always stay at home. He often walks around with the elders in the family to increase his knowledge. He saw a tractor in the People's Commune in the suburbs of Beijing. There are a lot of people and things, and there is a roar. It is enough for one person to drive, and it is effortless.

Xibao continued at that time: "My father and mother said that agriculture will gradually develop into mechanization. I think that with tractors, I can reduce the burden on my grandparents. Tractors are the most convenient for farming and transportation!"

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