Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1517 Qingyun becomes a disciple 1

Feng Qingyun is only seventeen years old this year. Although she has witnessed the revolutionary feelings of her two eldest nephews and the joys and sorrows of the men and women in the army, she herself has not developed an understanding of emotions.

In her opinion, Wu Zhanpeng's existence caused her a lot of trouble.

Wasn't it because of Wu Zhanling that Wu Zhanling was looking for trouble?

If I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me.

"No matter how outstanding Comrade Wu Zhanpeng is, in my eyes he is no different from a comrade I don't know. Other comrades have not brought me so much trouble." Feng Qingyun told Feng Qingxue, so she cut the mess quickly, " I have the task of performing and studying, so I am very busy, so I don’t want to get entangled with Wu Zhanpeng’s family!”

Feng Qingxue touched her braid and asked, "What was Comrade Wu Zhanpeng's reaction?"

Wu Zhanpeng, who was both civil and military, had a bad impression on her because of his family. She was worried that Wu Zhanpeng would not be able to accept Feng Qingyun's rejection and would cause other troubles and affect her sister's reputation.

Now, decades later, Feng Qingyun was in the army again, and her reputation was directly related to her future.

The world's view of men and women is very unfair. When a gay man is pursued by many people, it means that the gay man is capable and the person who pursues him is discerning. But when a lesbian is pursued by many people, it means that the lesbian plays with other people's feelings, or that the lesbian is flirting with others to attract bees and butterflies. , and then produced extremely dirty and obscene remarks.

Because Feng Qingxue was unable to change now and could only ensure her sister's safety first, she didn't like Wu Zhanpeng.

Feng Qingyun was a little troubled, "He said he would not give up his pursuit and he would handle it with his family."

"Don't give up? What do you mean by continuing to pursue you?"

"Yes." Feng Qingyun thought of Wu Zhanpeng's elegant and handsome face and serious attitude, and quickly shook her head, "Whatever, I don't want to find myself a revolutionary comrade at all. I currently focus on my career. "Having a family and having children will affect my career. I don't want to be like you and Xiaoyue, who are too busy every day."

Feng Qingxue frowned slightly when she heard Wu Zhanpeng's words of not giving up.

The beautiful woman's eyebrows were also moving. Feng Qingyun held her face in her hands and said, "Many people say that I am good-looking and that I am suitable for filming. They say that I am beautiful and sweet. If they saw my sister, they wouldn't say that. ”

A director at the studio said that her eyebrows and eyes looked a bit like the most beautiful woman in the Republic of China, and she was particularly photogenic. She looked at the photo album collected by Director Li at his home and saw the photos of the most beautiful woman in the Republic of China. As expected, she was extremely beautiful and elegant. Wan Fang is 80% similar to her sister, but her sister has one more dimple than her, and has a more scholarly air, which is natural elegance.

When Feng Qingyun mentioned making a movie, Chen Xueniang spoke up, "Xiaoyun, why did you shoot Hawthorn? The movie theater shows your Hawthorn movie every day. I asked your sister. Your sister said she didn't know you had shot it until she went to the cinema. movie."

"Yes, why haven't I heard you mention it?" Feng Qingxue said.

Feng Qingyun asked, "Didn't I say that?"

"No!" Everyone said in unison. If she had said it, they wouldn't be so surprised.

Feng Qingyun patted her forehead, "Then I may have forgotten to say, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. In fact, there is nothing to say, it is just a political task. The director of the studio came to our art troupe to select people, who are several years older than me. All the artistic female soldiers around the same age enthusiastically signed up, hoping that they could be selected. I didn’t care, my main job was singing, and I never thought about making movies, but I just wore the old clothes my sister made for me. I was doing laundry in the dormitory and was spotted by the director.”

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