Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1518 Qingyun becomes a disciple 2

After hearing what her sister said, Feng Qingxue was surprised and said, "Is it that simple?"

Feng Qingyun nodded and shook his head, "It's not that simple. Director Li chose me and gave me a script to perform a short section. It was a section where Hawthorn was persecuted by his parents who favored boys over girls. He did laundry, cooking, hunting pigs, and taking care of the children. Farm work, that’s not difficult. Although I am a singer, Teacher Yang is a Peking Opera singer. Before I became a soloist, I often appeared on the stage as a minor role in revolutionary dramas. It was natural. I acted it out, and Director Li said I was acting in my true character, so he cast me.”

True character performance, of course, true character performance, many memory fragments before the age of five remain in her mind. She is a girl living under the feudal ideology that values ​​boys over girls, and she resonates with Hawthorn very much.

Without her sister, she would be just another suffering hawthorn.

No, it’s not just hawthorn, hawthorn is just a microcosm.

She has seen countless girls living in a world that values ​​boys over girls. Some fight for the unfair treatment they receive, some accept it, and some even think that they are losing money under this influence and start a new life. A round of patriarchal preference. Without her sister, she doesn't know if she would have become one of them.

Feng Qingxue listened carefully and said to her sister: "You acted very well, it was natural. You are Hawthorn, Hawthorn is you. It is very contagious. When your brother-in-law and I watched the movie, many people around us cried. , saying that you are so pitiful that you have met a pair of eccentric parents who want to give you food and clothing. "

Because it was a movie with Feng Qingyun as the heroine, Feng Qingxue took her family to watch it several times.

Many honest and kind people cannot distinguish between movies and reality, so they naturally take the stories in movies as real. The biggest reason is that the old idea of ​​favoring boys over girls still remains in life.

Feng Qingyun covered her mouth with a smile, her eyes moved, her beauty was dazzling.

"I went to the countryside with a troupe to perform. Many fellow villagers brought me food and drinks. They said with tears in their eyes that I was hungry and cold. Don't keep it in your heart. They also asked my comrades to take care of me." The art troupe also occasionally goes to the countryside to perform. , entertaining the public, just like there are sheltered cinemas in the city, and outdoor movies in the countryside, which are arranged every year during the winter farm slack, which she had never experienced when she was a child.

"Then will you still act in movies in the future?" Chen Xueniang asked.

Feng Qingyun thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. It's not my decision whether to act or not. I have to follow the arrangements of the army. Just like this time, I didn't sign up to participate in the acting at all, but I still acted in the end, and She is the heroine. Director Li thought I was very talented in acting and good at singing, so he asked me to star in the next movie he was preparing and also asked me to sing in it.”

When it comes to singing, Feng Qingyun's eyes sparkle. She still likes singing than acting in movies.

Feng Qingxue understood her sister and pursed her lips with a smile, "If you like singing, study hard. No matter which profession you are in, there is no end to learning. When are you going to take a vacation? I will take you to visit an old musician."

"Sister, which master do you know again?" Feng Qingyun's Shui Lingling eyes widened.

My sister has a good temperament and is kind-hearted. She always gets to know all kinds of masters because of her kindness and kindness. She treats people with sincerity, and others treat her with sincerity. She has brought an unimaginable wealth of knowledge to herself and her family. .

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