Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1520 Qingyun becomes a disciple 4

In life, it is difficult to find a close friend.

Why doesn't Feng Qingxue understand this? But everyone has their own life, and it is impossible to be separated forever. Just like Lu Jiang and his comrades, aren't they all separated now?

"Ajiang has been waiting impatiently for a long time. Even though I was still studying here, he had just been transferred to Wucheng and was busy handing over work and redeploying work, so he didn't say anything to urge me." Feng Qingxue's heart had already flown to Wucheng, "My child Not being able to see my parents for a long time can easily lead to estrangement. I feel very guilty about this because my own selfishness prevents them from living with their parents. Now that my studies are over, I can no longer wrong them. , before leaving, take Xiaoyun to visit Mr. Guan."

Guan Yufen was ill at the time. She was an old woman who was over sixty years old and lived alone. Her children were out of town. She hadn’t been out for two days and no one paid attention to her condition. She was even confused. If it hadn’t been for the sudden visit from her brother-in-law, Professor Jin, who lived in the next room. , and quickly called Feng Qingxue to come over and treat her. She was so sick that her bones were torn to pieces, and she might really have returned to her hometown.

She is a gentle and beautiful beauty from the south of the Yangtze River. She was born into a wealthy family. She originally lived abroad with her husband Jin Xu. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jin Xu resolutely returned to China and devoted himself to the construction of the motherland. She also followed back without hesitation.

Jin Xu is a physicist, and he has contributed to the research of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs.

Of course, all this is confidential, and all the scientists involved in the research have kept their names anonymous. It was not until decades later that some of them had returned to the west, and some were suffering from diseases, that their names and deeds became known to the world. Guan Yufen herself is now She didn’t even know what kind of job her husband was doing. She hadn’t seen her husband for many years. She only communicated with him once every year and a half. She had forgotten the year of the last communication. She also received a letter from him. Bonus, a big unity.

Because of her life-saving grace, and because Feng Qingxue was kind-hearted and always helped people in trouble, Guan Yufen had a good impression of her, and naturally she loved Feng Qingyun.

"Your sister said that you study music, please sing a song for me first." Guan Yufen put on her reading glasses.

When Feng Qingyun saw Guan Yufen, who had silver-colored hair on her temples and was still very elegant, she was almost speechless with excitement. After hearing her request, she immediately cleared her throat and sang one of her favorite songs.

Guan Yufen listened carefully and nodded, "You sang well."

"Really? Mr. Guan?" After receiving Guan Yufen's approval, Feng Qingyun felt as if she was in the clouds.

Guan Yufen smiled and said yes, and said to Feng Qingxue: "Your sister is indeed very talented. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration, but this talent is not one percent Ninety-nine people’s sweat is comparable to that of a tone-deaf person who likes to sing, but no matter how hard he works, he can’t compare to a child who is talented in music.”

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "You are right, talent and sweat are both important. If you have talent but are unwilling to put in the effort, you will achieve nothing. She has this talent and is willing to put in the sweat, so she wants to trouble you while she is on vacation. A few pointers, even if she learns a little bit from you, it will be enough for her to use for a lifetime. "

Guan Yufen said without hesitation: "If you don't mind, just let her bring me a bowl of tea. I'm old and I'm sick again, and I don't want what I have learned to be cut off."

Feng Qingyun immediately bowed down respectfully without saying a word.

. . We got engaged today, and since I was the one giving the groom the bride price, I was exhausted. . . For the development of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb, the reward for the great hero is a ten-dollar bonus, really.

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