Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1521 Battalion Level Treatment 1

Feng Qingyun became a teacher and began her study career, leaving early and returning late.

She originally wanted to have a good rest during her vacation, but with the help of a famous teacher, she only thought about studying. This was very much like Feng Qingxue, who was unwilling to miss any opportunity that was beneficial to her own development.

Whether it was Yang Fengying, Fang Ning or the music teacher in the art troupe, they said two or three years ago that they had nothing to teach Feng Qingyun. These were their own words, and they did not stop Feng Qingyun just because they had taught her. Instead of accepting someone else as his teacher, he asked her to help Feng Qingyun find a famous teacher to continue his studies in his daily contact with Feng Qingxue.

When they learned that Feng Qingyun had become Guan Yufen's disciple, they were very happy and directly said that this was Feng Qingyun's blessing, especially Fang Ning. Guan Yufen was the senior she had dreamed of studying under.

Feng Qingyun listened to their encouragement to her on the phone and cherished her learning opportunities even more.

She is sweet-talking and very diligent. She takes care of all aspects of Guan Yufen's clothing, food, housing and transportation. She also uses overseas remittance coupons to buy a lot of daily necessities for the elderly. She specially learns Huaiyang cuisine from the elderly and cooks it for her. So happy.

Feng Qingyun felt that one day her vacation would eventually end, but the more she studied, the more insignificant she felt, and she was uneasy about Guan Yufen living outside alone. After Guan Yufen agreed, she begged Feng Qingxue to come forward and negotiate with the army and Captain Bai, invite the old man to join the art troupe to teach vocal music, so that he can continue to learn, and the old man can immerse himself in the world of music openly.

The musical instruments in the art troupe are the biggest reason to attract the elderly. It is difficult to see large musical instruments outside.

Thanks to Jin Xu's outstanding achievements, the country opened the door for convenience. Feng Qingxue thought that it might be safer for Guan Yufen to live in the army and she had teaching experience, so she quickly approved it.

The sister's matter has come to an end for the time being, and Feng Qingxue's work arrangements have also been settled.

She followed her own heart and chose to return to the army, and she is still engaged in the medical career that can save lives and heal the wounded. The Ministry of Health and the military are very happy, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very sorry.

The biggest impact of ending the college entrance examination is the shortage of talents. Living in this era, Feng Qingxue understands the value of talents.

Some people may think that she has been retired for four or five years, so why can she return to work smoothly? Is it because of Lu Jiang's status that she has this willfulness.

In fact, part of the reason is Lu Jiang. The country pays more attention to the work arrangements of military family members, but the biggest reason is Feng Qingxue herself. She studied under famous doctors, has medical skills and experience, and now even has an academic degree. The army does not want her, and there are many hospitals. There are too few doctors who want her, and those who are worse than her are popular and have a bright future.

When the college entrance examination door opened, all students who participated in the college entrance examination must first meet the enrollment requirements for medicine and normal school, and the best university at that time was not Yan University and Qing University. This shows the country's lack of talents in these two areas.

Since Lu Jiang was in the Wucheng Army, Feng Qingxue was assigned to the Wucheng Army Hospital as the attending physician.

Wang Cuilan felt a little pity, "If you hadn't applied for discharge, based on your medical skills and experience and the number of years you have been in the army, you would be able to enjoy deputy regimental level treatment, and the higher level would be division level treatment."

Although she followed Cheng Baoguo into politics after the founding of the People's Republic of China, she also came from the military and understood the situation in the military.

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