Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1522 Battalion Level Treatment 2

Feng Qingxue was very contented and said optimistically: "It's very good now, aunt, the road must be walked step by step, and the food must be eaten bite by bite. Without this fresh and hot graduation certificate, even with the previous With the years of medical experience and accumulated experience, I am just an ordinary doctor when I return to the army, unlike now I am the attending physician. "

No matter how many people denounce the importance of academic qualifications, Feng Qingxue still says that academic qualifications are a really good thing.

In this era, except for those who do physical work, all units have educational requirements for recruiting workers. Relatively speaking, the starting salary of those with higher education is higher than that of those with lower education. Of course, there are occasional exceptions, because in recent years, cultural People are not popular, which has resulted in the situation where the wages of some people in some units are lower than before after obtaining higher education.

Feng Qingxue has been practicing medicine for several years, but the only disadvantage is that she has no academic qualifications. This is also an important reason why everyone supports her to go to school.

Lu Jiang is rising step by step, how can Feng Qingxue stand still? When her children get older, if given the opportunity, she will continue to study and will never give outsiders the opportunity to say that she is not worthy of Lu Jiang.

Wang Cuilan listened to her words and said, "What you said makes sense, so are we going to Wucheng now?"

"First handle the transfer matters for Fubao." Feng Qingxue had already planned, "There is no need to take away many things from home. There are so many books and so many belongings that our mothers can't take. I contacted the logistics department. The transportation team will help us carry the packed things to the Wucheng Army. We only need to bring some changes of clothes. "

The time to report to Wucheng Military Hospital will be half a month later, so she is not in a hurry now.

Even though some of their belongings have been privately stored in the space, they still have a lot of things at home. Books, clothes, bedding, and children's toys are packed in boxes one after another. Pots and pans are also stuffed in. After distributing them to everyone, there is still a lot of overseas remittances left. I used the grain and oil stamps and non-staple food stamps first, and after three or four days of busy work, I sent everything to the transportation vehicle of the logistics department.

After completing the school transfer procedures for her daughter, saying goodbye to her relatives and friends one by one, the house she had lived in for two years was returned to the housing management office, and all matters were taken care of. Feng Qingxue and Wang Cuilan finally set off on their journey with their children.

Go to Wucheng and start a new journey.

Think about it, not long after living in the Baozhou Army Compound, she just met some family members who were accompanying the army, so she took her children to the capital to go to school. Now she has moved directly to Wucheng and has to adapt to the new environment again.

Moreover, when they arrived in Wucheng, Lu Jiang was very busy, and the people who came to pick them up were guards.

Wang Cuilan and Feng Qingxue didn't feel sad. They had long been accustomed to not seeing their husbands when they were busy in the army. The children were disappointed and depressed all the way.

Lu Jiang's current guard is called Liu Ran. He is really a tough general and a smooth guard.

Liu Ran said sheepishly: "The leader is having an important meeting, and we really can't be separated."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "I understand, Comrade Liu Ran, just send us home. Has our place been arranged? Has the transportation team of the Logistics Department delivered our things to our home?"

Seeing Feng Qingxue's beautiful appearance and gentle words, she was not angry because of Lu Jiang's absence. Liu Ran, who had seen the tempers of some senior generals' families, felt relieved and said hurriedly: "The housing has been arranged long ago. Yesterday I returned I organized everyone to clean it inside and out. The things arrived two days ago. The leader had the day off and signed for them in person and put them away with us. "

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