Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1523 Battalion Level Treatment 3

There are family buildings in the military compound that have been newly built for a few years, as well as old bungalows. Most of the families of senior generals choose family buildings. However, Lu Jiang knew his wife better and chose a small courtyard with four bungalows and three bedrooms and one living room. , there is a kitchen, a toilet, and two side rooms in the yard, which Lu Jiang used as a study room. He doesn’t know where he got the bookshelves.

It's clean and orderly inside and out, and the ladies can move in directly.

Feng Qingxue's energy was still good. After arranging for Wang Cuilan and her children to rest, she carried the soy sauce bottle and followed Liu Ran around the military compound. She mainly learned about military service centers, hospitals, schools, cinemas, swimming pools, auditoriums and other places. location and the current situation in the military compound. Even if you haven't visited the neighbors yet, you still need to find out which military family members live in the compound.

Liu Ran received Lu Jiang's instructions and explained everything to Feng Qingxue.

When passing by the swimming pool, many boys were swimming in the water like fishes in shorts, and several lesbians were wearing swimsuits in the water to accompany their children. Thinking of Lu Erxiong's constant desire to swim, Feng Qingxue's steps naturally stopped.

Liu Ran didn't even look at the lesbians, and smiled at Feng Qingxue and said: "When the weather is hot, my sister-in-law can often take the children to swim. There will be someone watching, so you don't have to worry about the children drowning or other problems. Big Revolutionary dramas are often performed in the auditorium, which are relatively grand performances during holidays. There are also some small performances on weekdays, all performed by cultural troupes. My sister-in-law can also bring her children to watch movies in the cinema. The most popular one now is Hawthorn. , Hawthorn looks a bit like my sister-in-law, and her name is also similar.”

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, and said proudly: "That's my sister, who is currently in the Cultural Troupe of the Capital Military Region."

"Sister-in-law's sister! She's actually my sister-in-law's sister!" Liu Ran's eyes lit up, "The boss is so uninteresting. We sometimes fool around with the boss, but the boss doesn't even say there is a sister at home."

Most of the soldiers in the army are single. Who doesn't want to marry a wife?

Lu Jiang is very good at putting down his arrogance and getting along with his subordinates. His approachability has won the favor of many people. When he is unscrupulous, he will be asked to be a matchmaker and introduce him to revolutionary comrades, including twenty-year-old Liu Ran.

There is no way, there are too many monks in the army, and the marriages of female soldiers in the art troupe rarely get the turn of grassroots soldiers.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "My sister is still young, what can I say?"

Just as Liu Ran was about to say something, a lesbian in her thirties came out of the swimming pool and walked up to them, "Comrade Liu Ran, is this comrade new here?"

"Oh, yes, this is Comrade Feng Qingxue, the revolutionary comrade of Comrade Commander of the Army. He is also the attending physician at the military hospital and enjoys full battalion-level treatment." Liu Ran finished his answer, and then said to Feng Qingxue: "Sister-in-law, this is Comrade Su Meixiang, the eldest daughter of Comrade Su Junlin, is the revolutionary friend of Commander Shen Qingshen in our army. "

Feng Qingxue remembered Bai Xue's evaluation of Su Junlin's children, and smiled at Su Meixiang, "Hello, Comrade Su Meixiang."

After hearing this, Su Meixiang's eyes lit up, even brighter than when Liu Ran heard that Feng Qingyun was Feng Qingxue's sister. Like a light bulb, her attitude was extremely enthusiastic, "Comrade Feng Qingxue, hello, hello." , I often heard my father mention you and Comrade Lu Jiang, but I didn’t expect that we would be in the same army and we would have frequent contacts in the future. "

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