There are many children under school age in the Wucheng Army compound. The weather is not hot, and a large group of children of both sexes are playing outside. Lu Erxiong has long been familiar with them, and he pulls Dundun and Zhuangzhuang to get close.

Feng Qingxue followed and greeted several parents who were looking after their children.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law Qingxue, aren't you on duty today?"

Lu Jiang had the highest status in the Wucheng army. Of course, Feng Qingxue was the first among the family members accompanying the army. Everyone who saw her smiled at her.

Feng Qingxue smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm not on duty today. I'm taking the kids out to play."

Seeing the melancholy on Zhou Fei's mother Peng Aihong's face, she asked: "Comrade Aihong, are you encountering difficulties at home? Just tell us and we will help you find a solution."

One of Feng Qingxue's responsibilities is to solve problems for the families of the soldiers.

"Worrying about her eldest son getting a wife." Ding Min answered for her, "Zhou Fei's eldest brother Zhou Cheng is honest, honest and doesn't talk much. He works in a machinery factory in the capital. He is twenty-five years old and has not yet mentioned a wife. Recently, I finally got married through the introduction of my relatives and friends, and the other party’s family asked for three turns and one ring of thirty-six legs.”

Although there are relatively few cases of using marriage to compare in this era, it is just a few, not none, otherwise the saying "Three turns and one ring of thirty-six legs" would not have spread.

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue asked Peng Aihong, "Without these things, would the woman not get married?"

Peng Aihong nodded and sighed, "My son doesn't live up to expectations, but he just likes this lesbian. He fell out with his father because of this. I'm so angry and hateful! Our family is not short of money. His father has been a soldier for so many years, and I have saved a lot of money. But without tickets or industrial vouchers, it is difficult to buy these things! So far, we have only asked someone to get a self-confidence ticket and a big ticket! Wardrobe tickets, that watch radio sewing machine, we can’t get tickets at all!”

Feng Qingxue listened carefully and said disapprovingly: "You fell out with Battalion Commander Zhou over such a trivial matter, and you still expect him to be filial to you in the future? You should not continue to indulge."

If the Lu family's children grew up like this, she would cut ties with them outright.

When you become an adult, you can do whatever you like, do whatever you want, and if you want to buy three-turn-one-sound thirty-six legs, just figure it out on your own.

Fortunately, the children of the Lu family are very filial, and she has money to pay for her children after they work, so she is willing to help them prepare for their wedding. Even if they say they don’t want half of Lu Tianjuan and Guan Cheng’s salary, the two brothers still remit the money on a monthly basis, and the two daughters-in-law also Buy them things often.

Peng Ai's eyes were a little red, "His father and I said the same thing, but we couldn't stand their fuss and were embarrassed. Yesterday they came from the capital specifically for this matter, asking for money, tickets, and things. When they saw Su Comrade Mei Xiang was wearing a new woolen coat, and she asked us to buy one for her. If she didn’t buy it, she wouldn’t get married. She looked like she was determined to get married. "

Ding Min's face changed color, "Aihong, how come I heard you say this? What kind of person is Comrade Su Meixiang? Can we compare with her? Every month when I receive my salary, I will first focus on buying myself a new outfit. They won't have enough to eat in less than half a month. When our family eats meat, the two of them drink big lump porridge! You are such a bad daughter-in-law. You can barely tolerate asking for three turns and one ring. Thirty-six legs. In this situation. On top of that, you also need a woolen coat worth hundreds of dollars, when the money comes from the strong wind?”

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