Peng Aihong wiped the corners of her eyes, looking much older and haggard than Fubao did on his first day at school.

"Is your son rich?" Feng Qingxue suddenly asked.

"He said no, and we will pay for the wedding supplies." Peng Aihong said, "But I know this is half true and half false. He has been working for seven years. He joined the machinery factory after my father's shift, and his salary increased from 20 to 20. It has increased to more than 40 yuan now. Because Lao Zhou has a monthly salary and the expenses for raising Zhou Fei are limited, we have not asked him for money, and we have not heard that he has bought any expensive items. He is the person we are talking to recently. His expenses were a bit high. He often went out to restaurants and watched movies. Even if he saved five yuan a month or sixty yuan a year, he could save several hundred yuan in seven years. But he told us that he had no money. "

Such a son is really a bit unworthy of being a son of man.

Feng Qingxue shook her head, "Comrade Aihong, I did some calculations, three turns and one click, thirty-six legs, all made in China, costing at least six to seven hundred yuan, not to mention imported goods, we really can't buy domestic watches. I think they will probably ask for an imported watch, which is several times the price of a domestic one. Do you have to buy bedding and daily necessities for the wedding? It’s also a big deal if you want another one. The long woolen coat Comrade Su Meixiang is wearing costs less than a thousand yuan, so this marriage cannot be done. "

Peng Aihong said: "With the tickets, it's more than 1,200 yuan. Lao Zhou and I calculated it carefully, because the woman's family still needs 188 yuan. In fact, it's just a gift, and she's afraid of being laughed at. They didn’t say this word.”

"You are so greedy, Aihong, are you stupid? You still want to get married?" Ding Min said in disbelief.

"Yes, Comrade Aihong, if you agree to the current conditions, they will probably continue to push further and ask for other conditions." In this era, it is not easy to find someone to take advantage of. The woman clearly wants to take advantage of the Zhou family, trying to This force overwhelms the Zhou family, and they have been running rampant from now on, Feng Qingxue thought.

Peng Aihong trembled all over and said with a sad face: "What should we do?"

Feng Qingxue didn't say anything. The best way was to refuse to agree or compromise and let them make trouble on their own. If the woman couldn't get what she wanted, she would probably break up with Zhou and continue to find another family to take advantage of.

When getting married, the woman should be a little demanding but not too much. Whether these demands can be met will also reflect the man's attitude. If she really doesn't ask for anything, she will be looked down upon by her husband's family. It's okay if her husband is reliable. It doesn't matter if she gets married naked, but it will be miserable if she is unreliable. You have spent all your youth in vain and ended up not having a good death, but asking for too much is too much. Who is not raised by his parents?

The object of Zhou Cheng's request was to have thirty-six legs, which was human nature. The request was a bit high, but not too much. Later, when she threatened not to get married and asked the Zhou family to buy her a woolen coat, it was really too much. .

Ding Min has a good relationship with Peng Aihong and said directly: "Then just hold off."

"Delay?" Peng Aihong hesitated, worried that her son would sever the relationship with her husband.

"Of course it's just delaying. Don't agree to anything. Let them buy whatever they want. Don't you have bicycle tickets and locker tickets? Give them to them and let them buy them with their own money. There's no other way!" Ding Min said simply, "Your son is so unfilial. If you still think about him, you will definitely be eaten to death in the future."

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