Ding Min's statement coincided with Feng Qingxue's thoughts, and she nodded to Peng Aihong.

"Comrade Aihong, there are some things that cannot be tolerated. One indulgence is equivalent to a hundred indulgences in the future." Feng Qingxue said to her slowly, "Of course it ultimately depends on what you and Battalion Commander Zhou want. Ding Min and I Comrades just talk about it casually.”

Ding Min reacted suddenly and said: "Yes, yes, you and Lao Zhou have to make the decision on this matter. We outsiders are not in charge."

What if Zhou Cheng and his partner break up, causing chaos in the Zhou family, or if Zhou Cheng cannot marry a wife in the future, and Camp Commander Zhou and Peng Aihong resent themselves for coming up with the idea?

Peng Aihong patted her arm and sighed: "I understand your good intentions. I will go back and ask Lao Zhou what he means."

"By the way, what's the woman's name?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Peng Aihong replied: "She is a female worker in a textile factory. Her name is Zheng Yuanyuan. Her family is in the capital. She has a younger brother and a younger sister. They are advanced in thinking and actively respond to the policy of going to the mountains and rural areas. They are not in the capital."

Feng Qingxue sounded familiar, and suddenly said: "Do you know where her younger brothers and sisters are assigned?"

"I didn't ask carefully. I only know that her brother is in the northeast." Peng Aihong said.

Feng Qingxue clapped her hands and said, "I know who it is."

"Who?" Ding Min and Peng Aihong asked in unison.

"Zheng Yuanyuan's sister is Zheng Huihui and her brother is Zheng Taotao. One of them was assigned to Huaihai City, which is our hometown. She is a very smart and capable girl. She was the first worker, peasant and soldier college student. After graduation, she returned to our hometown. I heard Zheng Huihui say Her brother lives in a small mountain village in the northeast, and the two siblings often keep in touch. Comrade Aihong, what I want to tell you is that you should think carefully about your son's marriage. It was Zheng Yuanyuan who secretly married her in order to stay in the capital. The names of the younger siblings were reported.”

If Camp Commander Zhou and Peng Aihong still agree to their son marrying Zheng Yuanyuan, then they will be the ones with the problem. With such a greedy and selfish girl, whoever marries the other will be unlucky, and the whole family will probably be in trouble.

Peng Aihong was shocked, "Sister-in-law, are you telling the truth?"

Feng Qingxue asked back: "Did Zheng Yuanyuan tell you that her sister has a better relationship with the girl from the big courtyard?" Zheng Huihui once said that her sister was often proud of this, and it seemed that the people who had a good relationship with Wu Xiaoxiao and others were Like myself.

Peng Aihong nodded and said, "I did say it, several times, that her sister has a very good relationship with the military commander's daughter."

"The commander she was talking about is Commander Wu, and he has been transferred to the Northwest Military Region." Feng Qingxue said, "The girl's name is Wu Xiaoxiao. She has a very good relationship with my niece-in-law. We got married before her father was transferred. During my wedding, my niece-in-law took a lot of overseas remittance coupons from me to buy wedding supplies, so I was very impressed.”

Peng Aihong's face darkened, "Old Zhou has a day off today, I'll tell him!"

After saying that, she hurried home.

Bad character and evil thoughts are more intolerable than greed.

"That eldest son of Aihong is really not a good guy. If you are ambitious, you won't embarrass your parents like this!" Ding Min sighed, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Hey, it's almost noon, I have to cook. The kids will be out of school later.”

Feng Qingxue went to pick up her daughter and Ye Yan, and met Su Meixiang who was picking up Shen Feng and showing off her new clothes.

Su Meixiang's face suddenly changed when she saw the red woolen coat that Fu Bao was wearing. Compared with the bright red and bright woolen coat, her own woolen coat paled.

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