In an instant, Su Meixiang felt that her previous showing off was like a joke.

Fu Bao had no idea that her red woolen gown had aroused the jealousy of others. She was very happy when she saw her mother coming to pick her up. She ran all the way to her mother with rosy cheeks and said, "Mom, you came to pick me up, not to wish me the best." Uncle."

"Uncle, I wish you a hard time cooking at home. I'm here to pick you and Yan Yan up." Feng Qingxue reached out to take her daughter's schoolbag and Ye Yan's army green canvas satchel, "Yan Yan, you hold it. Sister, let’s go home together. Didn’t you say you wanted to eat the lotus root box made by Uncle Zhu yesterday? Uncle Zhu made it for you today.”

When it comes to food, Feng Qingxue has never wronged her children. In addition, she received a lot of overseas remittance coupons to buy a lot of grain and oil and shipped it here, and mixed in a lot of supplies from the space. There is a reason to eat fine food at home.

"Ah, Lotus Root Box!" The two children were so happy that they followed Feng Qingxue home hand in hand.

Feng Qingxue was more cautious. Fu Bao and Ye Yan were picked up every day. Ninety-nine percent of the students went home on their own. There was no danger in the compound. Su Meixiang's appearance was just to show off his new clothes.

Shen Feng swallowed his saliva and said to his mother: "Mom, I also want to eat the lotus root box, and I want to eat the stuffed meat."

"What to eat? You know how to eat! How can your dad have money to buy meat for you on such a small salary?" His appearance is not as good as Feng Qingxue's, and the woolen coat he finally bought is not as good as the one Lu Tianhui wears. Su Meixiang With a sigh of relief in his heart, he didn't have any good feelings toward his only son, so he walked forward alone angrily.

Shen Feng followed behind with an old khaki canvas schoolbag in his arms, "Mom, Mom!"

Su Meixiang walked very fast, Shen Feng trotted all the way, and mother and son passed Feng Qingxue and walked in front.

Feng Qingxue didn't know what Su Meixiang was thinking. She didn't expect it for a moment. After all, Fubao's red woolen coat was made around the Spring Festival. It had been worn for a spring and was not new.

Others know Su Meixiang better, that is, a middle-aged woman who heard Su Meixiang show off her new coat before. Her name is Geng Xiaoqin. She is the wife of Cui Shaobo, the commander of the guard battalion. She is holding her seven-year-old son who has just entered kindergarten with one hand and sees the wind. Qingxue looked puzzled and couldn't help but whisper: "Sister-in-law, your daughter will not be happy if your daughter steals her limelight."

Feng Qingxue let out a sigh and looked at her daughter. Fu Bao looked back with big innocent eyes.

Geng Xiaoqin smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, your daughter's name is Lu Tianhui, right?"

Seeing Feng Qingxue nodding, she continued: "This dress from Tianhui is really beautiful, isn't it cheap? It's definitely not cheap, and it's not easy to buy. You can't find this kind of material in ordinary department stores."

Feng Qingxue understood the reason why Su Meixiang was angry, and felt a little funny in her heart, "Last year, I made a foreign friend and gave us some overseas remittance coupons. When I saw this piece of material being sold in the Friendship Store, I bought it. Normally It’s really uncommon. Imported goods are indeed not cheap, but the price is not as good as Comrade Su Meixiang’s woolen coat.”

"It looks good, the color is bright, and the style is fashionable. The little girl looks really beautiful in it." Geng Xiaoqin looked at it carefully and reached out to touch it. It was soft and warm, "Sister-in-law, the material is better than Comrade Su Meixiang's. It feels good when you touch it." knew."

Feng Qingxue smiled slightly, "Let's go pick up the triplets first, see you later!"

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