Although Dr. Hong knew in his heart that Ye Yan could be cleared only by giving Shen Feng a thorough examination, he was very disgusted with Su Meixiang's unreasonable and wasteful behavior of medical resources.

Just as he was about to speak, Ye Xiangqian said, "Doctor Hong, please check it out."

"You want me to check him too?" Doctor Hong looked at Ye Qianqian.

"Of course!" Ye Xiangqian looked serious. He was not as handsome and burly as Lu Jiang, but his complexion was darker than him, and he looked more intimidating. "It has been so long, and I have already shouldered all the burdens for my son. Responsibility, I can't let people continue to make complaints about my son now more than a month later. Comrade Su Meixiang keeps saying that Comrade Shen Feng has a headache, so check it out thoroughly to see if it is a sequelae like she said. Headache, brain fever or bumping. "

He has no shortage of money. The two of them have lived a comfortable life these past few years, and their expenses are not large. The old man does not need his filial piety. At most, he can use some money to support his comrades. He has not only 8,000 yuan but also 5,000 yuan in his hands.

However, he didn't want to give it to Su Meixiang, not even a cent. To give it would be to admit that she had slandered Ye Yan endlessly.

Seeing Su Meixiang's familiarity with blackmail, Ye Qianqian knew that today's matter was not the beginning, nor would it be the end.

Doctor Hong nodded. After completing various head examinations on Shen Feng, Shen Qing also arrived. He saluted Lu Jiang and Ye Qianqian and asked, "What's going on? Comrade guard can't explain clearly." Not sure.”

Lu Jiang raised his hand to stop Ye Qianqian and told the whole story one by one.

Shen Qing's face suddenly turned red, feeling embarrassed and angry, and his eyes could almost have flames rising ten feet high.

Doctor Hong said promptly: "The child is fine. He has no fever, no illness, and no brain disease. He is just a little malnourished. You just need to give him something good to eat in the future."

"How could there be no problem? He kept saying that he had a headache!" Su Meixiang was having a cold war with Shen Qing. She didn't care whether Shen Qing was present or whether he was ashamed. She said loudly: "Didn't you doctors say that? The structure of the brain is the most complex in the world. Even the most complex machines cannot compare to the brain. It is difficult for ordinary people to explore its secrets. The cause of the headache is naturally not a fever but a sequelae of the fight with Ye Yan. How many times do you want me to say it?”

"Su Meixiang, you've had enough!" Shen Qing was furious and stretched out his hand to pull her away, preparing to take her and Shen Feng away, but Su Meixiang dodged away. She was also a female soldier in the army, but she couldn't bear the hardship. , he retired naturally after getting married. Although he has not participated in training for many years, his skills are still very flexible.

"Shen Qing, you are crazy. Your son has a terrible headache. Are you going to make a noise with me?" Su Meixiang was even more aggressive.

Shen Qing said coldly: "The doctor said there is nothing wrong with Xiaofeng, but you keep saying that he has a headache and keep pulling it on Ye Yan's head. What are your intentions?"

It was a fight, and it was also a melee. All four children were responsible, and they all received punches from each other.

Everyone else is fine, but Shen Feng is the only one who is delicate? Shen Qing felt ashamed to see anyone.

Su Meixiang said angrily: "My son has a headache, what can I do? Isn't my son your son? You don't care about your son's health at all. If the doctor can't find anything wrong, it must be because the doctor is incompetent and cannot explore the brain. The mystery!”

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