When Dr. Hong heard Su Meixiang say that he had no ability, everyone said that he was cheerfully like a Maitreya Buddha, but he couldn't control his temper in front of Su Meixiang, "Who said I can't explore? Cut open the head and check it thoroughly!”

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves.

Shen Feng was so frightened that he held his head and closed his eyes, and said loudly: "Don't cut my head, don't cut my head, my head doesn't hurt! My head doesn't hurt at all, don't cut me!"

"Your head doesn't hurt?" Shen Qing looked at his son suddenly, his eyes full of anger.

Shen Feng cried so much that his face was covered with tears and snot. He was purely frightened and opened his mouth to answer his father's question. Su Meixiang covered his mouth and said to Shen Qing and Doctor Hong: "You are not allowed to scare my son." ? By threatening my son, do you want to give in? I won't give you this chance!"

Subdued? Doctor Hong, Lu Jiang, his wife, and Ye Xiangqian shook their heads in unison.

Shen Qing reached out and pulled away her hand covering Shen Feng's mouth, pushed her aside, looked at Shen Feng fiercely, and said: "Shen Feng, tell me the truth! What is going on? Your head It doesn’t hurt, why do you say you have a headache?”

After hearing this, Shen Feng glanced at Su Meixiang timidly.

"Don't look at Mom, look me in the eyes and tell the truth!" Shen Qing felt like his face had been ripped off and trampled on by others. His tone was not gentle at all, but very harsh.

"Chen Feng!" Su Meixiang shouted.

Shen Feng's body trembled, and he immediately closed his open mouth tightly, his tears and nose not stopping.

Seeing this, what else don’t you understand?

Shen Qing felt disheartened for a while and had no strength to ask further questions. He turned around and saluted Ye Xiangqian, "I'm sorry, Comrade Ye Xiangqian, I didn't teach my son well and I was not strict with my wife. I will give it to you, my sister-in-law and Dr. Hong." It’s all causing trouble.”

Ye stepped forward and patted his shoulder, "As long as the child is fine."

Although Shen Qing was influenced by Su Meixiang and has not moved in the position of deputy captain for five years, Shen Qing is a good person and Ye Xiangqian will not confuse him with Su Meixiang.

Feng Qingxue handed the inspection report to Shen Qing, "Comrade Shen Qing, I have read it all. It is indeed as Doctor Hong said."

This is very important. It is important evidence to prevent Su Meixiang from continuing to extort money.

There were no problems during the two inspections. If Su Meixiang used this reason to trouble Ye Xiangqian again, Ye Xiangqian could completely hand the matter over to the army.

Shen Qing held the report tightly and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

"It's not hard, just like Comrade Ye Qianqian said, the child is fine, and we parents can rest assured." Feng Qingxue remembered what Doctor Hong said before, "The child is a little malnourished. Even if you are busy with tasks, you have to take time out." It’s not a good thing to worry about your child’s nutrition and health in the long run.”

"I know, thank you sister-in-law for reminding me." Shen Qing thanked Dr. Hong again.

Seeing that he was humble and polite, Dr. Hong slowly calmed down and said, "You have to take good care of me as a daughter-in-law. If you waste medical resources again and again, I'm afraid it will be recorded in your account again."

Do you think it’s okay to waste medical resources? Innocent.

Shen Qing smiled bitterly, said goodbye to them, took Shen Feng and left without even looking at Su Meixiang.

At this moment, Su Meixiang still did not repent and followed angrily, "Shen Qing, stop here. My son has such a severe headache. It is the sequelae of the fight. If you don't help him seek justice, you will Take it away for what?”

The sound gradually faded away, and the people in the room dispersed.

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