The person who stole the child was not an outsider, but a comrade of Commander Rong. Li Jun, a comrade who came off the battlefield due to injuries and loss of fertility, caused mental problems.

Commander Rong and his wife never told anyone about this, including their son Rong Yuan.

Some people accept the fact that they have lost their fertility, and some people cannot accept it. Li Jun is the latter, but the couple received a letter from his hometown again, saying that his mother was dying and they were waiting to see their grandson.

Li Jun and his wife Hu Lan were revolutionary partners. They lived together through life and death. They never returned home for several years after their marriage.

Commander Rong's twin sons, Rong Yuan and Rong Hui, were over one year old. The twins looked exactly the same. They were fair and fair, except for a small black mole on each eyebrow. They were popular in the army at that time.

Li Jun and his wife asked for leave and privately borrowed a child from Commander Rong to take home to his mother. Anyway, my mother did not know their living conditions after marriage. Commander Rong did not think much about it. He and Li Jun were close friends in life and death. He finally persuaded his wife to lend a child to Li Jun. At that time, the eldest son Rong Yuan felt cold, so he gave the second son Rong Hui to Li Jun.

No one expected that Li Jun and his wife left with their children and never came back. After discovering that Li Jun had retired from the army due to injuries, Commander Rong regretted it and sent people to find Li Jun's hometown, but Li Jun and his wife gave him The result was that my mother left after the funeral.

For this reason, Hu Lan refused to see Commander Rong again. Commander Rong was in the northwest, so she took Rong Yuan to live in the capital.

His wife and children were separated, this was the half-life portrayal of Army Commander Rong.

"What is the child's name? How old is he? Which train is he on? I will entrust my comrades from the Ministry of Railways to help me investigate. I will definitely find him, I will definitely do it." Commander Rong said impatiently.

Lu Jiang understood Commander Rong's eagerness. If his child was stolen, he would search frantically.

"My surname is Li, my name is Li Jiaoyang." Lu Jiang told Commander Rong the train number again, "I told you before that it was five or six years ago when my wife met him. You might as well start from five or six years ago. The former conductor began to investigate. After so many years, a kind-hearted and motivated child cannot remain a conductor. "

As soon as he heard the surname Li, Commander Rong became even more anxious. After hanging up the phone, he dialed the number of his comrades in the Ministry of Railways.

"Old Zhang, check someone for me." Commander Rong got straight to the point.

"Okay, tell me, as long as it's someone from the Ministry of Railways, I can find it for you."

Commander Rong told Li Jiaoyang's name, age and the train number he was on five or six years ago, "Old Zhang, you know I'm looking for a child. Someone has seen him and Rong Yuan look exactly the same."

Lao Zhang immediately said: "Old Rong, that is a train from Shanghai to the northwest and then to the Tibetan area. The conductors are usually recruited in Shanghai. The departure station is convenient for going back and forth! I called Lao Zhu and asked him to He'll check it for you, just wait."

Shanghai? It's not far from Li Jun's hometown.

Commander Rong hung up the phone and stayed on the phone.

Lao Zhang didn't keep him waiting for long and called him quickly.

"Old Rong, this Li Jiaoyang is considered a celebrity, very outstanding, I found it." Lao Zhang said happily.

"Really? Where are you now?" Commander Rong suddenly sat up straight.

Lao Zhang said: "In the Shanghai Railway Bureau, he is now a deputy director-level cadre in the bureau. He is enthusiastic and upright. There are countless matchmakers for him. I heard that when he was a train conductor, everyone said that he was kind-hearted. "Yes, very considerate. However, Li Jiaoyang's age does not match what you said. He is one year younger than you said, and he is twenty-seven years old."

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