Commander Rong said: "The age registered on the household registration may not be accurate. You are not unclear. The age on my household registration is two years younger than my actual age. By the way, who are his parents?"

Lao Zhang replied: "Li Jiaoyang's parents died young and he grew up in an orphanage, so his age is really inaccurate."

"Orphanage?" Commander Rong never expected this answer, and frowned, "Doesn't he have parents? Have you asked why he ended up in the orphanage? Lao Zhang, please ask in detail."

"I've asked you all about it. Who is Lao Zhu, the deputy director of the Railway Bureau? He has a wife who likes to be a matchmaker and likes the rich and the poor. When I mentioned Li Jiaoyang, he remembered it." Lao Zhang himself They all laughed twice, "Lao Zhu said that his wife has repeatedly wanted to be a matchmaker for Li Jiaoyang, so when she heard that I was asking about Li Jiaoyang, she immediately talked non-stop to Lao Zhu."

"Come on, Lao Zhang, tell me if you have any news. Don't you know I'm very anxious?"

Lao Zhang said sternly: "Li Jiaoyang is indeed an orphan. He was sent to an orphanage before the founding of the People's Republic of China. Of course, we don't know who his parents are. Lao Zhu's sister-in-law said that this child is a good boy, very smart, well-behaved, and small. I stood out at a young age, and later received the support of a painting master to go to school, and my grades were particularly good. After graduating from college, I was assigned a job by my employer. After working as a train conductor for two years, I was transferred to the railway bureau. I was promoted relatively quickly. "

Commander Rong felt a sharp pain in his heart, "No parents? Orphan?"

"Yes!" Lao Zhang sighed, "We all came from the war era. Aren't there orphans everywhere? No one thought it was strange that Li Jiaoyang was an orphan."

Commander Rong nodded, "You're right, you're right, but why did he become an orphan?"

"Old Rong, your son was stolen by someone. Maybe he couldn't sell it. Maybe something happened to the person who stole the child, so the child became an orphan." Lao Zhang said, "The child does have a star on his eyebrow. Is there a mole on the right eyebrow or on the foot? Li Jiaoyang has asked for leave. Sister-in-law Zhu is not sure. I will ask someone to go to the orphanage later to ask."

"Thank you, Lao Zhang. Please give me the child's exact address and I'll ask Rong Yuan to go there. Last month, he said he would be on vacation this month."


After hanging up the phone, Commander Rong covered his face and didn't speak for a long time.

I thought it was Li Jun and his wife who stole the child and refused to return it, but now we got this result.

Where are Li Jun and his wife? How did Li Jiaoyang become an orphan? It is probably difficult for Li Jiaoyang to know the answers to these questions.

Commander Rong let go of his hand and immediately dialed the number of the Wucheng troops.

"Comrade Commander of the Army, if Rong Yuan is free, could you please let Rong Yuan take the call." Rong Yuan is only the battalion commander and lives in the military station. He is not qualified to install a phone alone.

Lu Jiang was stunned, "Comrade Commander Rong, if you have anything to say, let me bring it to him. Why do you have to ask him to answer the phone?"

After hearing this, Commander Rong asked: "Did Rong Yuan go on a mission? Or was he injured?"

Lu Jiang said a little embarrassedly: "In order to save someone who was injured, he is now lying in the hospital. My wife is a doctor. When she rescued him, she looked very familiar. Who would have thought that when I asked Rong Yuan, I got such an answer. Commander Rong, you are raising me." He has a good son, he saved people’s lives and property, and the army is preparing to give him credit.”

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