Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1574 Brother-in-law comes to visit 1

Lu Jiang was also surprised when he heard the news.

Commander Rong is currently entrusting his comrades in Shanghai to inquire about Li Jiaoyang's specific situation. He has also arranged his itinerary and is preparing to fly to Shanghai to find Li Jiaoyang in person. Who knows that he is actually Feng Qingyun's target.

Since Feng Qingyun turned sixteen, many people have been eyeing her. Who knew she would choose an orphan.

Without the certainty that he and Rong Yuan were twin brothers, Li Jiaoyang was just an orphan without a father or a mother. In the eyes of the world, he was definitely not as good as a young and promising young man like Wu Zhanpeng.

Li Jiaoyang arrived faster than expected. Two days later, early in the morning, Zhu Lei came to tell Feng Qingxue that there was a guest at home.

"He said his surname was Li, and his name was Li Jiaoyang." Zhu Lei said.

Feng Qingxue was observing the recovery status of Rong Yuan's external wounds. It was at this time that Zhu Lei came to find Feng Qingxue. When he heard Li Jiaoyang's name, Rong Yuan's eyes widened instantly, "Li Jiaoyang, Li Jiaoyang!"

Feng Qingxue changed his dressing and bandage while asking, "What's wrong with Li Jiaoyang?"

"My brother!" The brother I dreamed of finding.

"We haven't determined yet whether he has three moles on the soles of his feet. Why are you anxious? Just lie down and recuperate. If your arms, legs and ribs want to fully recover, you will have to lie down for a hundred and eighty days." Feng Qingxue held the ball in her hand. He didn't stop working, "Didn't you hear that he was our guest? He definitely didn't come for you. When we confirm that he is really your brother, we will bring him over to see you."

Rong Yuan knew the general situation of Li Jiaoyang from Feng Qingxue a few days ago, and asked: "Isn't he in Shanghai? Why did he come here? If my father went to look for him, wouldn't he have missed him?"

Feng Qingxue closed the work diary in her hand and said seriously: "We informed your father to cancel the trip two days ago."

"Please tell me clearly why Li Jiaoyang is here!"

Feng Qingxue said: "Take good care of yourself, where do you get so much curiosity? It has nothing to do with you, and you are not allowed to inquire. I heard that if you weren't so curious, you would cause more trouble than you did. You must at least be a decent person now." battalion commander."

Li Jiaoyang is a college student, and he is the last college student before the university stops recruiting students.

He was already twenty-two years old when he enlisted in the army.

It took six years to be promoted to deputy battalion commander. In these peaceful times, Rong Yuan's achievements were not bad.

Compared with Rong Yuan, Li Jiaoyang's complexion is lighter, without the rough and heroic air. His handsome face, tall figure, and gentle temperament are combined into the ultimate graceful, mature and elegant person.

Unexpectedly, Feng Qingyun liked this type, and Feng Qingxue was a little surprised.

Under the scrutiny of Cheng Baoguo, Wang Cuilan, Lu Jiang, and Feng Qingxue, Li Jiaoyang remained calm.

Like her sister and her husband, Feng Qingyun also took a day off. She sat on the chair next to Li Jiaoyang, coughed and broke the silence, "Sister, where are the triplets? Jiaoyang brought a lot of fruit. I Look, they all like to eat it.”

"I asked Liu Ran to take them out to play, but Lu Erxiong can't stay at home."

After Lu Jiang answered, he looked at Li Jiaoyang, "Comrade Li Jiaoyang, you don't need to bring so many things."

Li Jiaoyang smiled and said: "You can just call me Jiaoyang. Isn't it strange that there are so many people?"

"Okay, I'll call you Jiaoyang. Jiaoyang, how long have you known my little sister?"

"Not counting the images in the movie, the first time I met him was probably on a train in 1967. It has been about five and a half years ago. If we want to talk about the time we really met, it was late autumn this year." Li Jiaoyang answered seriously.

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