Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1575 Brother-in-law comes to visit 2

Lu Jiang continued: "Late Qiu? You want to settle down after knowing each other for such a short time? Don't you think it's too soon?"

Li Jiaoyang pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at Feng Qingyun beside him, "I don't think so."

Not only don’t I feel it, but I don’t feel it at all.

"Why?" Under his wife's instructions, Lu Jiang was particularly serious today, with a parental demeanor, as if Li Jiaoyang could kick him out of the house if he was not satisfied with his answer.

Li Jiaoyang smiled and said: "Like has nothing to do with time. Some people will be committed to each other for life at a glance, and some people will never understand what love is for a lifetime. I didn't fall in love with you at first sight, but I understood it from the moment I got to know it, and I liked it from the moment I got to know it. Within a month, I knew she was an inseparable part of my life."

Wang Cuilan let out an ouch, "Young people nowadays are really not ashamed to talk about revolutionary feelings!"

She and Cheng Baoguo had been together all their lives. When had they ever said such things? They only have revolutionary feelings, and the words revolutionary feelings are so useful, they can be said on the lips.

Feng Qingyun smiled and said: "Auntie, so we are young people, a generation in our prime."

"Times are different! They are really different." Wang Cuilan glanced at her watch. Although it was still an hour away, she still said: "Fubao is about to finish school. I will pick up Fubao and Ye Yan. Lao Cheng, come with me. Go ahead and let them talk to themselves."

"Okay!" Cheng Baoguo went out and went straight to the triplets.

Now that he has tasted the joy of teasing his grandchildren, he feels a little happy and no longer misses Shu.

After Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan went out, Feng Qingyun said coquettishly to Feng Qingxue: "Sister, please tell brother-in-law not to be so serious. I didn't even tell Jiaoyang that you and brother-in-law had settled down just a few days after we met!"

Feng Qingxue stretched out her hand and gave her a few nods, "She is really an outgoing girl. If Fu Bao is like you, my heart will break!"

Feng Qingyun smiled flatteringly, her face blooming like a spring flower, shrouded in a brilliance that Feng Qingxue had never seen before. Perhaps this was the so-called nourishment of love, but it was different from the little girl.

Lu Jiang asked: "Jiaoyang, Xiaoyun is still young and has not reached the age to register for marriage. What are your plans? Tell us."

Li Jiaoyang said without hesitation: "I came here just to tell the world that Yun Yun and I have owners of grass and flowers. As for getting married, it depends on Yun Yun's intention."

"What do you mean?" A trace of doubt flashed in Feng Qingxue's eyes.

Feng Qingyun grabbed a handful of her braids and said, "Last time I performed in Shanghai, Jiaoyang introduced me to a foreign musicologist who came to Shanghai to visit. He praised my good voice and wide range, and planned to recommend me to France. Studying at a music college.”

Feng Qingxue said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier?"

As she said this, she felt happy for her sister in her heart.

"I forgot!" Feng Qingyun was thinking about her boyfriend meeting his parents, but she reacted quickly and said immediately: "That Mr. Smith is still in Shanghai, he has to go back before he can give me a recommendation It took a long time for me to receive the admission notice, and the group had to agree to my going. I wanted to wait until it was confirmed before I told my sister.”

Li Jiaoyang added: "I have known Mr. Smith for a long time. He is a very good person, humorous, and he especially likes to discover and promote young people who are talented in music."

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