Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1577 Brother-in-law comes to visit 4

Feng Qingyun grew up listening to the old man's stories, and naturally knew what some biographies said about walking on seven stars.

A glimmer of light flashed in Li Jiaoyang's eyes, "Brother-in-law, how do you know that there are three moles on the soles of my feet? There are indeed three moles. Except for the staff of the orphanage who took care of me when I was a child, almost no one knows about them."

Even when he goes to the bathhouse to take a bath, he is always the first one, and no one pays attention to the soles of his feet.

Feng Qingxue looked at her watch and stood up, "Jiaoyang, I will take you to meet someone, Xiaoyun, you should follow."

"Oh!" Feng Qingyun responded.

Feng Qingxue walked to the door of the main room, then turned back and said: "Jiaoyang, we are going to the hospital. We will take out some fruits and nutritional supplements from the things you brought. It is not a good look to visit the doctor with empty hands."

Li Jiaoyang suppressed the doubts in his heart and did as he was told.

Carrying a mesh bag filled with canned fruits and malted milk, he and Feng Qingyun followed Lu Jiang and his wife to the entrance of the hospital. They met a group of young soldiers who came out with faces as if they had seen a ghost.

"battalion commander!"

"Batalion Commander?" Li Jiaoyang pointed to his nose.

The soldier who called him looked at him carefully for a moment and said to his comrades beside him: "No, he is not the battalion commander. He is whiter and better-looking than the battalion commander. The battalion commander is a rough man like us. From this look A cultural person.”

"Doctor Feng, who is he? Why does he look exactly like our battalion commander?" Someone asked immediately.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Don't block the road, we will know tomorrow."

When the emergency department is free, Feng Qingxue often takes on medical work in other departments. She has become familiar with the soldiers in the army. Young people still like to see Feng Qingxue for treatment and treatment. She is younger and better-looking than Dr. Hong.

Therefore, as soon as they heard Feng Qingxue's words, they immediately gave way and couldn't help but stare at Li Jiaoyang.

Li Jiaoyang was very calm, looked back at them, and greeted them with a smile.

"Ouch, when has the battalion commander ever smiled at us like this? I'm getting goosebumps." When they all entered, several soldiers started talking about it. One soldier touched his arm, but he touched his thick clothes. "I guess he must be the battalion commander's brother. Didn't the battalion commander say he has a brother?"

"Our military commander is so awesome, he found the battalion commander's brother so quickly!"

Rong Yuan had always cared about this younger brother. If he hadn't been lying in bed unable to move, he would have gotten up and ran to Lu Jiang's house to see what was going on. At this moment, he heard someone knocking on the door and said listlessly with his eyes closed: " Please come in."

He thought it was the soldiers below who had left and returned, because before they left, they said they would bring him food.

Until he heard Feng Qingxue's voice calling Li Jiaoyang in, he opened his eyes suddenly and turned his head to meet Li Jiaoyang's equally shocked eyes. At this glance, a sense of intimacy arose in his heart. He knew that his brother found it.

"Brother!" Rong Yuan blurted out.

He only had eyes for Li Jiaoyang and ignored everyone around Li Jiaoyang.

Li Jiaoyang looked at Rong Yuan steadily, "Who are you?"

Rong Yuan said categorically: "I am your brother, your twin brother Rong Yuan! Your name is Rong Hui, and you are my younger brother, who is ten minutes younger than me!"

"Sister, brother-in-law, what on earth is going on?"

Feng Qingyun looked at Rong Yuan and Li Jiaoyang, and still thought the latter was good-looking, extremely good-looking.

. . Keep up the good work today.

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