Rong Yuan talked a lot, and because he was eager to find his younger brother, he told everything in a jittery voice, from beginning to end, without hiding a word. During this period, Li Jiaoyang poured water for him to moisten his throat more than once.

"So, you are really brothers?" Feng Qingyun was in disbelief and turned to Li Jiaoyang.

She thought she liked an orphan, but it turned out that she had to face the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. What if Rong Yuan's mother Hu Lan didn't like her? She is so different in age from Li Jiaoyang, and she plans to go abroad for further study. When she comes back, Li Jiaoyang will be in his early thirties. Will Commander Rong and Li Jiaoyang think that she has delayed Li Jiaoyang from marrying and having children?

"Don't worry, I'm still me, nothing has changed." Li Jiaoyang reached out and held her soft and slender hand.

He is not eight years old, not eighteen years old, but twenty-eight years old as Rong Yuan said. He is about to reach the age of 28. Most of the people around him have already married and started a business, and his thoughts have long been mature. He will not let others control his life. .

Feng Qingyun's heart suddenly calmed down.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue sat on an empty bed next to them and gave full marks to Li Jiaoyang's performance.

Rong Yuan looked at the hands they were holding, and his eyes widened again. He hadn't married a wife yet, but his younger brother had already found one? "Brother, who are you talking to this lesbian about? Isn't this the Hawthorn girl?"

He wanted to say that many soldiers in the army liked her, but when he saw their hands, he swallowed the words numbly.

"Yes, she is the Hawthorn girl in the movie. In reality, her name is Feng Qingyun. She is the person I will work with for the rest of my life."

Rong Yuan raised his unbroken arm and raised his thumb, "You can do it, brother. You're ahead of me. My parents will be happy. Not only did they get back the son they've always missed, but they also brought back a son." Daughter-in-law, you don’t have to push me to get married! Brother, good job, I’ll give you a big gift for getting married.”

"Thank you, brother." Li Jiaoyang smiled and did not mention the fact that his girlfriend planned to study further, which led to the postponement of the wedding.

He always knew that he was not abandoned by his parents, but that in the war-torn times, everyone had no choice but to do what they wanted, so he quickly accepted Rong Yuan and his parents, whom he had never met.

"You called me eldest brother or younger brother, so I'm not polite." Rong Yuan looked at him eagerly, "My parents have been looking for you, but it's a pity that there is a huge sea of ​​people. It has been more than 20 years, and there is no news at all." No, if we hadn't met Dr. Feng, we wouldn't have known about your existence. I want to ask you to go see our mother. She will be very happy to see you. "

Li Jiaoyang said sternly: "Brother, don't worry, I can do it, and I should. However, the news can be given to them first. I want to stay here with Yunyun for a few days. This is my first time to visit my sister and brother-in-law."

Just when Rong Yuan wanted to say it was okay, Feng Qingyun said, "It doesn't matter here. You go see Comrade Hu Lan first."

She stretched out her hand and tapped Li Jiaoyang's lips, and said seriously: "We still have a long time, and Comrade Hu Lan has missed you for more than twenty years. She must want to see you as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll buy a ticket to go to the capital tomorrow." Li Jiaoyang nodded.

"Before that, you should call our mother first!" The earlier you know, the earlier you feel happy.

Li Jiaoyang responded, "Okay, I'll ask my sister and brother-in-law to help me dial our mother's phone number soon."

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