Everyone understood the mother's longing for her son. After leaving the ward, Lu Jiang and his party went to Feng Qingxue's office.

Rong Yuan's rank was not low, and Hu Lan's father had just passed away a few years ago. Their family had a house in the capital and a telephone, mainly to facilitate the search for his son.

After dialing the phone number given by Rong Yuan, Feng Qingxue said into the phone: "Please pick up Comrade Hu Lan."

She is a lesbian and it is easier to talk to Hu Lan.

After waiting for a moment, Hu Lan's somewhat out of breath voice sounded from the other end, "I am Hu Lan. Who is my comrade?"

Feng Qingxue immediately smiled and said: "Hello, Comrade Hu Lan, I am Feng Qingxue, Rongyuan's attending doctor."

"Is Rong Yuan injured again? Is it serious? I haven't heard about it. This kid, I've told him a long time ago that even if he joins the army, he has to be careful not to let himself get injured again and again." Hu Lan was very worried, "I'm going to see him tomorrow. I'm just a son. I can't find his brother. I don't want anything to happen to him."

Feng Qingxue was embarrassed to tell you that Rong Yuan was seriously injured, so she could only change the topic to the main topic, "Rong Yuan is being cared for, don't worry, I am calling you today mainly because I want to tell you good news. "

"For me, there's nothing good news except finding my son."

Thinking of her son, who had been missing for more than 20 years, Hu Lan wiped the corners of her eyes with a hint of sobs in her voice.

"That's the good news, Comrade Hu Lan."

Hearing these words suddenly, Hu Lan stood up immediately, almost breaking the phone line, and said in a trembling voice: "Comrade, what did you say? What did you say? Did I hear wrongly?" She simply didn't dare. Trust your ears.

"You heard me right, your youngest son is at our house now. He took off his shoes and asked Rongyuan to verify the three moles on the soles of his feet."

Hu Lan covered her mouth and cried, as if crying out all the longing and grief that had accumulated for more than 20 years.

Feng Qingxue listened to her crying quietly, and she knew that she was crying with joy.

At this time, no matter how long you talk on the phone, you will not be charged more for the phone bill, so many people often ramble on the phone.

"Found, found, thank God, he is safe and sound!" Hu Lan spoke with a heavy nasal voice, "Do you know? Comrade Qingxue, when I couldn't find him, I was very worried. I couldn't sleep all night long. I was afraid of hearing news about him. I was afraid that what I heard was bad news, because the country was in chaos when he disappeared, and his chance of survival was really slim. "

"I understand, I understand, Jiaoyang is by my side," Feng Qingxue said softly, "That child's name is Jiaoyang, Li Jiaoyang, please say a few words to him. If we can't see each other immediately, say a few words." The words are also good."

Hu Lan clutched the microphone tightly, "Okay, okay, okay!"

She was particularly nervous because she had been separated from her child for too long, and she had no nurturing kindness for her child. However, this nervousness disappeared instantly when the mother's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Li Jiaoyang said softly: "Mom, my name is Li Jiaoyang. I am very good. I have been fine since I was a child. Please take care of yourself."

Hu Lan cried excitedly again, "Hey, hey, my child, my child!"

"Stop crying, don't break your body from crying. I will go to the capital to see you tomorrow. I hope to see your energetic side."

"Hey, good!"

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