It was a minor surgery to remove the appendix. Feng Qingxue had been in there for more than an hour. Lu Jiang and Zhan Wufeng were discussing the training situation in the army while waiting. Not long after, he saw his wife in a white coat walking out of the operating room.

"The operation was successful. Please pay attention to your diet after the operation." Feng Qingxue told Zhan Wufeng some precautions.

Acute appendicitis is a particularly serious condition, and removal of the appendix is ​​currently the only solution.

Traditional Chinese medicine also has methods to treat appendicitis, but it is difficult for a skilled woman to make a meal without rice. Most of the medicines in the army's reserve are Western medicines. Although Chinese medicinal materials are available, they are not complete, and Chinese medicine treatment takes a long time to completely cure the disease.

Zhan Wufeng said gratefully: "Thank you, Doctor Feng."

In the past few days since Feng Qingxue's arrival, they have become very familiar with her medical skills. She can handle both major and minor ailments at her fingertips. She is not sloppy in her work, and she is more respected by them than the previous doctors. In the two-hour class every day, Feng Qingxue also teaches in an easy-to-understand manner, from simple to advanced, and is highly respected by everyone.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "Why are you being polite? This is your job."

"Okay, okay, it's time for lunch, right?" Lu Jiang interjected, "Xibao is going to make sophora flower cakes tonight and wait for you to get home."

"Sophora flower cake? What time of year is it now? Where do you get the sophora flower to make cakes?" Xibao can cook? Feng Qingxue was very surprised, but also extremely pleased.

Lu Jiang smiled and said: "It's not fresh locust flowers, it's dried locust flowers, which have been soaked and made into dough for pancakes. Don't you like those wild things? Last spring, Da Jinzi, aunt and Wang Jiao picked and dug a lot of wild vegetables to dry. Qian, I sent a big package before, and Dad and Xibao brought another big package, but it was inconvenient that they didn’t bring them over.”

After listening, Feng Qingxue nodded.

Although they stay away from home all year round, they have not lost contact with their hometown.

The Wanglou Brigade can now fill its stomach without worries. It can also share some cotton and cloth stamps every year for growing cotton, and some meat during the New Year. But in other aspects, it is no different from the neighboring villages. Feng Qingxue often sends some cloth stamps to his hometown. Candy, cakes and the like, or help the old family solve some of their children’s wedding needs, such as buying a pair of Jiefang shoes for this family, two pieces of good cloth or two good clothes for that family, and getting some wedding candies and brown sugar for everyone. The other party often returned gifts, giving a few gifts to Lu's father, grandparents, and grandchildren.

The relationship is maintained well, and the result is obvious. No matter how many ups and downs there are outside, it has not eroded the Lu family, and by the way, it has protected a group of elderly people who were sent to the Wanglou Brigade.

The couple had dinner with the special forces at noon and went home together in the evening.

Lu Jiang was riding a bicycle, and she sat behind, with her gloved hands tucked into the cuffs of her military coat, listening to Lu Jiang talk about family matters.

Wearing a hat and scarf, Lu Jiang's voice sounded a little muffled, but Feng Qingxue listened carefully.

She has been very busy recently, busy with work and preparing lesson plans to be a teacher. It is easy to imagine that she has a heavy workload, so she inevitably neglects her family situation when she leaves early and comes home late.

The predecessor of the special forces was the scouts, which are found in every military region. However, the special forces are a new and different type of service, with a very high elimination rate.

It is said that the military workers behind enemy lines during the Anti-Japanese War were somewhat similar to this. Feng Qingxue didn't know whether this was true or not.

Lu Jiang has placed great hopes on this special force. After many selections, there are currently more than 2,000 soldiers participating in training. In the end, the remaining 500 people will be burned.

Each major military region is equipped with a special force of a thousand people, which looks decent to Lu Jiang.

However, this is the first one, so it’s excusable.

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